Well, what to do

I took my class 1 at my own expense because I thought that I was still in “learning mode” after getting my class 2, I was relatively happy in my old job, and they didn’t even have any artics. Experience (i.e. Doing my motorbike test at 17) led me to believe that they only ever make these things harder, not easier, as time goes by, so I bit the bullet. And was completely wrong on that count, because auto boxes became allowed soon after.

My only regret is not taking the plunge to drive an artic sooner. I tramp now, for a firm that’s more or less on my doorstep and runs a tidy fleet. Love it to bits. If I’d have stayed where I was, and they’d ever got to the point where an artic was needed, I’d have just had even more bloody mauling to do, and always have those snidey remarks that made it sound like they were doing me a favour by letting me drive for them.

Go for it bud, you’ll love it in the long run.



Its ok Radar. You are a bellend already.

Come and join the big boys club. You know you want to.

You get to receive insulting texts from the rest of us members and everything.

The height of Beezle’s week is when the Beaver gives him a call, despite not being able to decipher a word he says. Apparently he is the worlds most Northern Northener. Personally, I find him coherent and remotely amusing. And I will get to have a brew with him one of these days. He’s ok as day men go I suppose [emoji6]

This alone makes me more determined!

We’ll get a little more blunt with our advice as well, this thread would have been condensed to “Grow a pair!” :smiley:

Paul - I can decipher the beaver mate, it’s the image of his flat cap and whippet I’m struggling with! :laughing:
As for what i know about you, I’m disgusted… :grimacing:

I took my class 1 at my own expense because I thought that I was still in “learning mode” after getting my class 2, I was relatively happy in my old job, and they didn’t even have any artics. Experience (i.e. Doing my motorbike test at 17) led me to believe that they only ever make these things harder, not easier, as time goes by, so I bit the bullet. And was completely wrong on that count, because auto boxes became allowed soon after.

My only regret is not taking the plunge to drive an artic sooner. I tramp now, for a firm that’s more or less on my doorstep and runs a tidy fleet. Love it to bits. If I’d have stayed where I was, and they’d ever got to the point where an artic was needed, I’d have just had even more bloody mauling to do, and always have those snidey remarks that made it sound like they were doing me a favour by letting me drive for them.

Go for it bud, you’ll love it in the long run.

WTF - The Beaver is easier to understand! :open_mouth:

Finished for the week mate & havin a few? :wink:

The bit you’ve highlighted was me referring to passing my bike test in 1988, was 5 mins riding, with a bloke watching me on foot (under a brolly as well) only questions he asked was my name and if I had my licence with me. That was it. You don’t get a bike licence that easy these days.

Hence I wish I’d done my class 1 back in those days.

And yes, tonight is drinks night, but I’m by no means bladdered. Not yet anyway [emoji6]

Ahh, the muddy waters clear, a little! :smiley:

I’ll join you in a few, for anesthetic reasons only! :grimacing:

The bike test got a lot sticker then, as I did mine in 96 and failed it! :laughing:
Never bothered resitting it either, i was at uni and didn’t have the cash…

Mr Nowak on the odd occasion, does provide some sensible advice. However…he is homeless, and has bad hair.

I am concerned that impressionable newbies will see these issues as ’ acceptable/normal ', for truck drivers.

My hair is lovely. It has to be for my celebrity status amongst the spotter community.

My hair is lovely. It has to be for my celebrity status amongst the spotter community.

Your pelt was lovely, all thanks to the gaming community! :smiley:

Radar mate, do it yourself is the way to go, the money you referred to in one of your posts as possible/likely for the job is frankly a sick joke no matter where in the country you live, and owe them time/money into the bargain?, sod that.

be a good boy, do this do that, jump-how high, then next year they tell you you haven’t reached the heady heights of golden ■■■■■■■■ number 2 and you’ve lost anything up to 12 months where your ownership of an artic ticket can have been ticking over nicely even if you arn’t technically at the wheel of one.

best of luck with it mate, then onwards.

I knew my boss was thinking about paying for my class 1 but I couldn’t be bothered waiting for him to make a decision or dragging the inevitable out, so I told him I have booked the training and paid, he was a tad shocked and gave me the days off with pay then asked me to bring the recite in and I was refunded all the training.
I kinda made his mind up for him :laughing:
He thought I would be more likely leave had I not been paid :wink:


My hair is lovely. It has to be for my celebrity status amongst the spotter community.

Your pelt was lovely, all thanks to the gaying community! :smiley:


" The gaying community " ■■?

Why does a beaver have a hole in it? Erm…scrub that last question.

Mr Nowak on the odd occasion, does provide some sensible advice. However…he is homeless, and has bad hair.

I am concerned that impressionable newbies will see these issues as ’ acceptable/normal ', for truck drivers.

My hair is lovely. It has to be for my celebrity status amongst the spotter community.

Now I know exactly what to look for when I am on the road! I can not thank you enough! :wink: