Well This Guy is a Lorry Luvver


Dude, you gotta give a flavour of what the link is about. You juts keep posting a link, nothing else. Thats ok, but wtf is it about?
Not clicking, yet.

Fick it, I clicked.

Fick it, I clicked.

Ha…knew ya would :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Fick it, I clicked.

Ha…knew ya would :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Still annoyed though :smiley:

I never click on links, which is probably a pity as I’m sure I miss some good stuff. I normally wait until someone copies and pastes the article 'cos I’m heartily sick of being bombarded with adverts etc.

the maoster:
I never click on links, which is probably a pity as I’m sure I miss some good stuff. I normally wait until someone copies and pastes the article 'cos I’m heartily sick of being bombarded with adverts etc.

There won’t be any ads in my links i hope :open_mouth:

I liked this comment -

Have you ever tried to transfer the body of a hitchhiker between two rigs at 65 mile an hour? Until you do, show some respect for the kings of the road.

I’ll quote it.

HGV drivers, here’s a boss idea, try and overtake yer mate using the middle lane but do exactly the same speed as him and slow the entire ■■■■■■■ motorway down you fat, scruffy nob heads

  • @EvertonDelMar

He’s not wrong.
I’d only add he should blame the government for restricting all lorries to the same speed. If their were restrictors in cars as well we would have the same issue.

He must speak of experience, must be one of those ■■■■■ on the m6

I’lI’d only add he should blame the government for restricting all lorries to the same speed. If their were restrictors in cars as well we would have the same issue.

we do its called the m6

He’s not wrong.
I’d only add he should blame the government for restricting all lorries to the same speed. If their were restrictors in cars as well we would have the same issue.

He’s quite right imo.

It was an EU directive that gave us the speed limiter, it wasn’t our governments idea but they had no choice but to implement it.

Instead of blaming our government I think you should be blaming each and every driver who does this, including the muppets who speed up when being overtaken. Each and every one has made a conscious decision to start a manoeuvre that they know will take a ridiculous amount of time to complete but they don’t care because they’re the most important person on the road. It really doesn’t take a genius to work out that if it’s taken a long time to catch a truck it’s going to take a long time to overtake it.

I do however realise that I’m conveniently ignoring just how vitally important and critical it is that the load of bog rolls on the back get there 2 mins earlier!

In my last years I’m the road I chilled out and set the cruise 3mph below the limiter, other trucks could overtake me easier and I rarely had to back off to let them past and if I got to a slower truck I could boot it to the limiter and get past quickly.
The surprising thing was how much difference going slower made to my average day, none at all, I still got everything done with a much lower stress level.

One of the greatest hypocrisies excercised by car drivers is the insistence that HGVs should only be allowed in lane one, whilst also insisting we should yield over to let them join from a slip road.

We can’t win.


He’s not wrong.
I’d only add he should blame the government for restricting all lorries to the same speed. If their were restrictors in cars as well we would have the same issue.

He’s quite right imo.

It was an EU directive that gave us the speed limiter, it wasn’t our governments idea but they had no choice but to implement it.

Instead of blaming our government I think you should be blaming each and every driver who does this, including the muppets who speed up when being overtaken. Each and every one has made a conscious decision to start a manoeuvre that they know will take a ridiculous amount of time to complete but they don’t care because they’re the most important person on the road. It really doesn’t take a genius to work out that if it’s taken a long time to catch a truck it’s going to take a long time to overtake it.

I do however realise that I’m conveniently ignoring just how vitally important and critical it is that the load of bog rolls on the back get there 2 mins earlier!

In my last years I’m the road I chilled out and set the cruise 3mph below the limiter, other trucks could overtake me easier and I rarely had to back off to let them past and if I got to a slower truck I could boot it to the limiter and get past quickly.
The surprising thing was how much difference going slower made to my average day, none at all, I still got everything done with a much lower stress level.

I do the same and now the thing I overtake really is car users. :unamused:
Ye lorries are in the wrong. I also find it annoying when they hit congestion and insist on changing lanes every 5 secs because a different lane has started to crawl ahead.
Or when they see a slip road and go over the white hatching to rejoin the motorway again 100 yards ahead… :unamused:

I don’t get drivers who on a motorway traffic is slow they come off slip road down back on again. See it happen a lot. Don’t get there any quicker. Sometimes end up behind me .