well ive finaly gone and done it ive booked it and they are gonna let me out in the artic on tuesday and test friday ive had a quick go already im learning in a volvo fh 12 and a tri-axel trailer the training was a good price to be honest ill keep a dairy next week for all of you to let you know how im going on any tips are more than welcome
Good luck with training and the test fatjay_uk
Good luck Fatjay It will be great to hear how you get on.
all the best fatjay
Good luck with the training - personally I wouldn’t bother with the dairy though, can’t stand the smell of cow ■■■■.
well its 0546 and im up a cant wait to have a go at the class one just gonna have a shower and wait for my mate to pick me up .hes a class 2 driver passed in 2000 and i passed just over a year ago we are going to sawbridgeworth nr harlow and we are doing our training with ace lgv .in a volvo fh so if you anywhere around enfield today and you see us give us plenty of room the cost of the training was fair i though it was £740 each inc the test on friday. so i have my licence 37 £20 notes and we just gonna see how it all goes today i will update this page when i get home tonite
well we got there at 0700 so was an hour early so we do the truck driver thing and find the nearest cafe …egg bacon fried slice beans 2x sausage 2x toast 2x tea and it was ok then we headed back to the training centre we got back fro eight and paid the cash only to find out our trainer had broken down on tye way no worries they said the woman in the office got in the artic and took us to him on the a10 and she waited for the the aa with his car so he got in told us his name was brain and off we went my mate ian was driving as so he drove all round enfield every tight road he could find and ian was good as he had some recovery exp and so that gave him a fair idea what was goin on we stoped for a cuppa and bry as he likes to be called got his breakfast we said we already had ours so just a cuppa then it was my go i was a little nervious and he found some even tighter roads for me and boy was it tough i was sweating buckets but i was lovin it we swaped over again and ian was driving and he was getting better and better we had a fairly uneventful days driving lots of tight stuff and bry said we were getting better and the rest of the week would be easier than today we will just have to see what tommrow brings but all in all i had a PHAT day and cant wait for tommrow to come ill let you all know how it goes
I did mine in a FH as well, nice unit, even though it was a P reg it was better than most of the stuff I have driven on the agency !!
Gazzareth, it wasn’t this one on eBay was it?
cgi.ebay.co.uk/P-reg-VOLVO-FH12- … dZViewItem
Interesting comment in the listing about keeping it clean inside as examiners don’t like dirty trucks.
well had a much better day yesterday the driving was a lot better only 1 serious ok well 2 1 1 i kept going with a car 50/50 but was told i should have let him go yeah right how many of you guys in your jobs do that?? the otehr was a kerb but i drove for nearly 5 and a half hous no reversing yet we gonna do all that today did the gear change excersie he said both me and ian were ok at that as i had only done my class 2 last year rembered it well so its reversing controled stop reversing and trailer stuff today my test is tommrow and i dont want a perfect drive just to pass i feel ian is still better than me but he has more exp than me so we will see how it goes on the airfeild today
One of my main faults whilst training was a tendancy to keep going in 50/50 situations. Problem is that the examiners will take a dim view (I would guess insta-fail), so on my test I ended up sitting for what seemed like nearly 5 minutes at one point waiting for a gap - didn’t get marked down for it though !!
ive tried all day and cant seem to get it and im just not geting any better got the right hump with it every thing else is fine just cant back up ive got like 2 hrs in the morning any help would be a great help i just cant do it why■■? any1 help ive spent all day chasing the trailer round in the mirrors i ■■■■ wanted to get out and kick it so ive got the right hump and im testing 1245 tommrow im gonna start to pray i think
The only advice I can give you on Reversing, is to do it slowly, and just keep looking. You won’t get marked down for doing it at walking pace. They would rather you got it in the box slowly with 1 shunt, than race backwards, and have to do 2 shunts or more to get it in.
Well, how did you get on■■?
I guess your in the pub celebrating (I hope)
the news aint good i failed on the reverse and that was the end im going back to get a retest in a few weeks we will just see how it goes my mate clipped a kirb and got 13 minors and he failed to so all in all not a great day but hey ■■■■ happens
Sorry to hear that jay. Good luck to both of you for your retests.
Sorry to hear your news jay and
Good luck to both of you for your
Good luck on the restest m8 - well worth the trouble !!
Good Luck Fatjay watch your shoulder
the news aint good i failed on the reverse and that was the end im going back to get a retest in a few weeks we will just see how it goes my mate clipped a kirb and got 13 minors and he failed to so all in all not a great day but hey [zb] happensjay
Sorry to hear this mate. but I am pleased that you are going in for your retest. All this will be a distant memory soon and you can mess up the reverse on a daily basis like me!