And tradition demands that I say something, in keeping with tradition I have of course been down the pub before writing this, so excuse all typo’s and emo moments.
I would love to say what a great year this has been, but anyone with an iota of sense will realise thats complete testicles, its been crap. This industry has been hit harder than I can remember in close to 30 years of working in it. and while the headlines fixate on the companies and their going under, it is the individual drivers and their families who get hit the hardest.
Reading through the forums very few people here are not at least concerned about the future of their jobs, I feel and read that there is a strong belief,(which I also hold) that the powers that be are simply not bothered about us or our industry. We as an industry are viewed as a needed evil, no one likes us and they wish they could find a way to eradicate us from their lives, but still enjoy the goods and benefits we bring.
sadly as an industry a few help perpetuate that myth, of us being cowboys, juggernaut killers, mavericks, those very few are what is remembered, not the 100’000s of us doing the job legally and safely every day- the bad apples are tainting us all, and as the recession bites the bad apples are coming to the fore.
Next year sees the 10th anniversary of TruckNet UK, easily the oldest website for UK truckdrivers and also the busiest, Given the current climate not a year I would choose to have a 10th anniversary. But we have to work with what we have got
A few stats for you all,
As the older members will be aware we took the decision at the beginning of this year to close a large part of TruckNet UK and work alongside our sister website ( ) and become the dedicated drivers part of the Road transport Group on-line, this led to a large amount of our exiisting pages being removed.
Our goal for this year was to bring your content , what you say to the fore, this time last year the old complete TruckNet UK website achieved 1.25 million page views a month, and we hoped by December this year your forums alone would achieve this.
I have to say that this target was not achieved by December It was in fact achieved by the middle of the year, and astounding achievement by yourselves, as you, the members provide the content that people come to read.
None of this would be achievable without the hours of unpaid work the moderators and admins put in to keeping these forums running, it may be my name thats known and associated with the forums, but they do the day to day work, without praise from you lot and no reward from the owners, why they do this thankless task? well ask them because I am always in awe of their dedication and in their debt.
In the 10 years I have owned/then run TruckNet UK on another owners behalf, I have always had one basic tenent, to use TruckNet UK should always be free. The current owners agree, but the owners do have bills to pay, and employeees who have families and mortages, so we do offer adverts and other services, and some members have taken exception to this. All I can say is quite simply, use of this website is NOT conditional on taking up an adverts offers or a service we offer. Dont want it, dont use it its totally your choice but you can still use the website for free whatever.
And so onto 2010 I personally hope that whatever your circumstances its an improvement on this year, and I hope that Trucknet UK reamins your website of choice… all the best to you and yours