Well done Rikki, you’ve apparently rattled the cage of the RHA’s Roger King. Nice of him to let us know that our man gets taken notice of. :sunglasses:

I guess thats you off his xmas card list! Oh well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well done Rikki, you’ve apparently rattled the cage of the RHA’s Roger King. Nice of him to let us know that our man gets taken notice of. :sunglasses:

I guess thats you off his xmas card list! Oh well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Where is the link Rob?

It’s in this weeks Commercial Motor - Mr King has written in having a moan about Rikki. All he can manage in terms of a rebuttal is that the RHA “values its employees more than the drivers do themselves”

Make what you will of that!


It’s in this weeks Commercial Motor - Mr King has written in having a moan about Rikki. All he can manage in terms of a rebuttal is that the RHA “values its employees more than the drivers do themselves”

Make what you will of that!


In other words - ‘We know better than you’

well they all defecate in the same pot and then smear it over their mates in a congratulatory manner.

I will go and get my CM from the newsagent :wink:

It’s in this weeks Commercial Motor - Mr King has written in having a moan about Rikki. All he can manage in terms of a rebuttal is that the RHA “values its employees more than the drivers do themselves”

Make what you will of that!


Surely what Roger king is saying is the RHA values itself more than drivers do… at least he’s right in this case.

Wheel Nut:

Well done Rikki, you’ve apparently rattled the cage of the RHA’s Roger King. Nice of him to let us know that our man gets taken notice of. :sunglasses:

I guess thats you off his xmas card list! Oh well :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Where is the link Rob?
