Well done lads:

commercialmotor.com/latest-n … -of-target

You made it happen lads, well done. :slight_smile:

Your hard earned has gone on turning the VOSA around, you should be proud that just trying to do your job has manifested itself in proping up the ailing finances of a rather fine institution. Yes, yes, they take ■■■■ heads off the road, just a shame it isn’t like back in the day were some of them would use their discrection & give you a slap on the wrist rather than opening their grasping palms for the folding 200 just beacuse you havent strapped your johnson to your leg before getting in the cab with 3 points of contact… :unamused:

Factor ın the profıts from fınes from foreıgn operators and MOT test fees.

it’s all about the money

For many years,ÃœK drivers have been fined all over Europe and TÄ°R countries,so the balance is now correct,harmony they call it.
I have been fined abroad for trumped up made up charges for their coffee money and top their Xmas party funding.

Fair comment Tobes but Britishers are supposed to be a level above the thievery.

Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.

Cue lots of tales of how drivers were badly done to because they got fined for securing 10 tonnes of timber with a single ratchet strap…

Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


Been pulled in many, many times and always come out with exactly the same amount of cash as when I went in. Funny that.

Bacon Sandwich:

Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


Been pulled in many, many times and always come out with exactly the same amount of cash as when I went in. Funny that.

■■■■■■ favours instead■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Didn’t mean that Mike, Sorry :unamused:

Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


I don’t even give them a reason to give me a tug (oo-err missus :blush: ). For sure, if they want to, they will, but I always find that a clean and tidy lorry operated by a reputable haulier, driven sensibly and legally (obviously that means I don’t drive a tipper or work for a Scottish haulier :unamused: ) and carrying a well-restrained load is generally ignored.

There are plenty of “drivers” out there who are daft enough to “drive” dodgy wagons and keep paying fines, but I’m not one of them.


Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


I don’t even give them a reason to give me a tug (oo-err missus :blush: ). For sure, if they want to, they will, but I always find that a clean and tidy lorry operated by a reputable haulier, driven sensibly and legally (obviously that means I don’t drive a tipper or work for a Scottish haulier :unamused: ) and carrying a well-restrained load is generally ignored.

There are plenty of “drivers” out there who are daft enough to “drive” dodgy wagons and keep paying fines, but I’m not one of them.

Well i drive for a reputable bulk tipper firm with 19 trucks and been going for over 80 years.
we’re on green on the traffic light system so not all TIPPER FIRMS ARE BAD :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

tango boy:


Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


I don’t even give them a reason to give me a tug (oo-err missus :blush: ). For sure, if they want to, they will, but I always find that a clean and tidy lorry operated by a reputable haulier, driven sensibly and legally (obviously that means I don’t drive a tipper or work for a Scottish haulier :unamused: ) and carrying a well-restrained load is generally ignored.

There are plenty of “drivers” out there who are daft enough to “drive” dodgy wagons and keep paying fines, but I’m not one of them.

Well i drive for a reputable bulk tipper firm with 19 trucks and been going for over 80 years.
we’re on green on the traffic light system so not all TIPPER FIRMS ARE BAD :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

My apologies are offered, as are my sympathies :grimacing: .

And your location has taken me back in time. My first girlfriend, a holiday romance 45 years ago, lived in Thringstone. I shouldn’t ask, but is your name Karen? :open_mouth: :wink: :grimacing:

Well i drive for a reputable bulk tipper firm with 19 trucks and been going for over 80 years.
we’re on green on the traffic light system so not all TIPPER FIRMS ARE BAD :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
Christ, you must be getting on a bit. :slight_smile:

tango boy:

Bacon Sandwich:

Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


Been pulled in many, many times and always come out with exactly the same amount of cash as when I went in. Funny that.

■■■■■■ favours instead■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Didn’t mean that Mike, Sorry :unamused:

If I did offer ■■■■■■ favours, I would be coming out of the checkpoint with more money than what I went in with!

I’m not cheap but I’m worth it!! :smiley:

As Toby1234 is well aware the ‘Fixed Penalty System’ which Europe has operated for years is in many instances nothing more then the ‘Great Salary
Enhancer’ now do you on this site actually believe it is any different here in the UK today indeed if you worked for some enforcement agency would
you be working for the Government flat out or would you take the opportunity to ‘Enhance Your Salary’, according to the Europeans I speak with
the UK is no different only greedier.The figures in CM are the official figures what level I wonder are the unofficial figures.


tango boy:


Like huge numbers of drivers in this country I’ve not paid them a penny in fines but then again I’ve not given them any reason to give me one.


I don’t even give them a reason to give me a tug (oo-err missus :blush: ). For sure, if they want to, they will, but I always find that a clean and tidy lorry operated by a reputable haulier, driven sensibly and legally (obviously that means I don’t drive a tipper or work for a Scottish haulier :unamused: ) and carrying a well-restrained load is generally ignored.

There are plenty of “drivers” out there who are daft enough to “drive” dodgy wagons and keep paying fines, but I’m not one of them.

Well i drive for a reputable bulk tipper firm with 19 trucks and been going for over 80 years.
we’re on green on the traffic light system so not all TIPPER FIRMS ARE BAD :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

My apologies are offered, as are my sympathies :grimacing: .

And your location has taken me back in time. My first girlfriend, a holiday romance 45 years ago, lived in Thringstone. I shouldn’t ask, but is your name Karen? :open_mouth: :wink: :grimacing:

LOL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now virtually everyone that is going to get one holds a Drivers Certificate of Professional Competence, there will be no excuses when you get pulled up and fined for some obscure thing that will generate them more revenue. From an employer’s perspective, the DVSA is going to regard the employees who bring in the greatest volume of revenue as their most valued staff. Whilst it would be too devious to introduce a bonus payment (as well as diplomatically incorrect), what is the betting that these ‘top performers’ go up a pay grade or two over the more lenient staff out there?

It’s a bit like speed cameras. They don’t radically reduce accidents, but they generate a substantial revenue stream. :unamused:

It’s a bit like speed cameras. They don’t radically reduce accidents, but they generate a substantial revenue stream. :unamused:

Only if you exceed the speed limit. All payments are purely voluntary.

Now virtually everyone that is going to get one holds a Drivers Certificate of Professional Competence, there will be no excuses when you get pulled up and fined for some obscure thing that will generate them more revenue.:

Are you saying that the TRUE agenda for the dcpc is entirely different to the official agenda of making us more professional, and in reality a vehicle for provision of financial gain for the authorities and government :open_mouth:
Well ■■■■ me! Who would have thought it :unamused:

Fair comment Tobes but Britishers are supposed to be a level above the thievery.

Hahahahhaha, I mentioned how uncorrupt we are in UK to some Dutch drivers once when I worked over there and they couldn’t stop laughing!

As for discretion, VOSA do use it a lot, I’ve been let of many times with minor infringements

As for discretion, VOSA do use it a lot, I’ve been let of many times with minor infringements

Got to agree (having being stopped numerous times whilst driving foreign registered trucks) a lot depends on the initial attitude test that they set, if you fail that then they dig deep.