Has anyone any experience of these ,it’s not something I’ve ever heard of ,but been told one is being set up for me and I have to contact them on a regular basis to confirm I’m ok
they say it’s because they’ve concerns of a underlying illness that may of caused 5 accidents I’ve had at home in the last month,last one was a visit to hospital and 24 hrs off work due to it being a head injury .
There concerned I may be having blackouts ,episodes ,fits ,diabetic etc ,I’ve been put of work today ,told to book a appointment to see doctor asap,then return to work tomorrow and then contact welfare group at regular intervals to confirm I’m ok ( I guess the return to work tomorrow will be dependent on what the doctor says today ,as I’ve got a emergency appointment for this afternoon .
I feel fine ,and believe the incidents were just one of those things ,I think the doctor will confirm this ,it just worries me that I.e I ring welfare group at 2 p.m saying everything is fine ,then something happens at 2.15 ,how do I stand ,as I say never heard of a welfare group ,I’m just concerned as to what it means to me
Is it a works welfare group ? We have an occupational health group who is contracted to our company as well as others and i have an issue with my prostate that will require regular visits to the doctors for blood tests and hospital for the consultant and to cover myself i told this group as well as my company everything and basically our company has to give me time off when ever i need it for these appointments and if i’m off sick with prostate trouble there’s not a lot they can do.
Assuming you’re a Class 1 driver, and you say you may or not be having blackouts . then surely you have a moral obligation to stop driving the 44 ton killing machine? You seem to have your priorities wrong here?? Worrying about some welfare group when you should be worrying about the blackouts.
I would not be surprised if your doctor stopped you and informed the DVLA. My bloody doctor did and I had only had one blackout. Not driven a HGV since.
Assuming you’re a Class 1 driver, and you say you may or not be having blackouts . then surely you have a moral obligation to stop driving the 44 ton killing machine? You seem to have your priorities wrong here?? Worrying about some welfare group when you should be worrying about the blackouts.
I would not be surprised if your doctor stopped you and informed the DVLA. My bloody doctor did and I had only had one blackout. Not driven a HGV since.
To be fair he did say his return to work would be dependent up on what the Doctor says