Welcome to this temporary forum

Welcome to this temporary forum.

We have put this in place to inform you about what will be happening to the forums over the next few weeks, and to canvass your preferences on how we do things.

Firstly what we are NOT doing

We are not changing the forum software or moving them. So all your logins will still work the same, all the posts will remain and all your bookmarks will still work.

What we ARE going to do

Freshen up the design of the forum, giving it a new, up-to-date look that follows the rest of the Roadtransport.com website.

This is a significant investment by the Road Transport Group, and will bring the forums far closer to the groups titles: Roadtransport.com, Truck & Driver, Commercial Motor and Motor Transport.

It is also hoped that by using a cleaner, more modern, style we can improve on the page load times and other performance issues currently experienced on Trucknet.

As a first step, tomorrow we will be putting up a poll in this private forum with two choices for the new logo. This poll will run for a week, and the winning logo will be the new logo for Trucknet.

Note: This forum is for discussing what is going to happen, not whether it should happen at all. This redesign is going ahead, so any off-topic discussion will be removed

I have used this post because I cant find a better place for this point.

roadtransport.com/RoadLegal/ … goods.html


I often search Google for quick links to sites or information and clicked on a link in the above post, it left me totally confused, somebody must check these things before they press submit!

The latest ADR rules apply from 1 January 2009 and are available online.

I am extremely fortunate that I already have the complete works of ADR 2011, but was looking for a hard copy of the two large volumes.