Welcome to Knocknet

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

O.K. You’re bashed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

grow a pair

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

I assume that this relates to your earlier post about depression, and how hard done by we are?
Just because we didn’t all jump in the hole with you doesn’t mean you are getting knocked - just means you said something that not everyone agrees with (again) :slight_smile:

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

Are you whinging again Tobe? :laughing:

Rob K:

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

Are you whinging again Tobe? :laughing:

Careful, he’s depressed. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

■■■■ him…How’s that for a bashing?! :smiley:

maybe if you thought about what you was going to write instead of random ■■■■■■■■ that just pops in people might take you more seriously.

i consider you to be like the old duffer sat in the corner of the pub mumbling to himself that nobody listens to.

jessicas dad:
maybe if you thought about what you was going to write instead of random ■■■■■■■■ that just pops in people might take you more seriously.

i consider you to be like the old duffer sat in the corner of the pub mumbling to himself that nobody listens to.

I think his posts and comments resemble a one way conversation on the CB with your squelch turned down. :stuck_out_tongue:

Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

:bulb: Having an opinion is fine Toby, but publishing it on a forum for all to see does leave it open to be replied to. :wink:

Just before hitting the submit button, maybe it would be an idea to think first about what possible replies you might write if it were somebody elses post :exclamation:


Have an opinion on here but get bashed for it.

:bulb: Having an opinion is fine Toby, but publishing it on a forum for all to see does leave it open to be replied to. :wink:

Just before hitting the submit button, maybe it would be an idea to think first about what possible replies you might write if it were somebody elses post :exclamation:

thats what i meant but with a bit more tact.

I thought your thread about sperm content was one of the funniest threads ive read on here,had tears in my eyes reading it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Keep on the suds in the afternoons fella I look forward to reading your posts,so I won’t knock ya m8 :wink: :smiley: