that boxer makhmudov is a weird looker but i got to thinking about industry bods who are weird lookers i once knew a TM with a really big ear double size from the other -he once threatened to set the dogs onto me if i didnt leave the yard more quickly only there were no dogs there
and guys with a wonky eye quite common in haulage workshops allus unsettle me . Just wondered if anyone on here has met up with a forum member and although chummy on the forum theyre really weird /frightening to look at ?
0that boxer makhmudov is a weird looker but i got to thinking about industry bods who are weird lookers i once knew a TM with a really big ear double size from the other -he once threatened to set the dogs onto me if i didnt leave the yard more quickly only there were no dogs there
and guys with a wonky eye quite common in haulage workshops allus unsettle me . Just wondered if anyone on here has met up with a forum member and although chummy on the forum theyre really weird /frightening to look at ?
Dredging the depths, aren’t we?
gets my vote for the most wierd and scary face in the public eye.
Joclyn Wildenstein - is a fluffy Vincent Pearlman Lion by comparison…
Come on then Winseer… put a pic of your boat on here I dare you…
If only to dispel the myth of you looking something like the mad Doc off Back to the future.