weekend working

Normally only work mon/ fri roughly only 10,12 hours a day
However I have to work the next 2 weekends.
I worked a full week last week
Work mon/ tues this week then weds off, work thurs, fri, sat , sun.
work mon, tues next week then weds off then work thurs, fri , sat , sun.
Week after that will be work mon, tues off weds then work thurs, fri then weekend off and back to normal the week after ( mon to fri)
Would this be legal regarding weekly rest etc


Would this be legal regarding weekly rest etc

In a word - No. You don’t give exact start and finish times for each day, but looking at it overall you have two weeks in a row of reduced weekly rest - that’s illegal.

Not really because you need to have a 2 weekly rests in 2 consecutive weeks and only 1 can be reduced.

There was a play on it a while back going around, but I didn’t agree with it because of the wording, so I’d say NO!.

See, the weeekend before your mon-tues could count as a complete rest for that week, and then a reduced rest, then another reduced rest before another weekend, is why I’d say no

Yea I know what you mean about start, finish times but until it happens I can’t be more precise usually start any time after 4 and generally finish by 5 / 6
The weekly rest was why i was asking as there is 6 of us involved and we couldnt agree what was right/ wrong

The rules are more complex than they need to be,but you need a full 45 hours off as your weekly rest.Those hours dont have to be at the weekend.

I Answered in the identical post - viewtopic.php?f=2&t=109510

U could do a day with no digi card in. If stopped just say u listed it. Easy mate :smiley: :unamused:

Why are there three identical threads on this, all by the same poster? :confused:


Rhythm Thief:
Why are there three identical threads on this, all by the same poster? :confused:


I’ll pass on that, I only posted it once, don’t know why its appeared three times

Must be a new TNUK “value for money” policy or something. :laughing:

Have replied on the other thread.
Any chance someone can tidy this up a bit :smiley:

Honest only touched it once then it all fell apart :blush:

Its because T/N are on a special BOGOF this week, but hurry because it reverts to a normal post from next week… :laughing: :laughing: