Wee question

See a lot of tippers and jagers around with lafarge/tarmac livery on them but with other names on the also, are these owner drivers with contracts to these companies?

just a young lad and have always wondered.

I think they’re mainly franchisees

It’s the name of the franchisee. Tarmac and AI will fund you the lorry on finance, supply the work and in some cases fuel and you charge them the pittance they allow you and if you have anything left after paying all the finance fuel wages maintenance and the like you can spend it on your hi vis nonsense and CPC courses (which AI and Tarmac provide) and should you have any left after that you can spend it how you like.

That’s my understanding anyway having worked for a Tarmac franchisee for a few years

Tipper Tom:
It’s the name of the franchisee. Tarmac and AI will fund you the lorry on finance, supply the work and in some cases fuel and you charge them the pittance they allow you and if you have anything left after paying all the finance fuel wages maintenance and the like you can spend it on your hi vis nonsense and CPC courses (which AI and Tarmac provide) and should you have any left after that you can spend it how you like.


Speaking to a bloke recently, It’s £90k for the tipper. £1500 per month for 5 years. You’ll do £2k per week & shoot £600 odd on derv. 4-5 loads per day. Alright if you just want a wage & ponce around in a new wagon doing that type of work. That’s just rough hearsay. There’s a tipper OD thread in the OD forum. Seems like a lot of risk for not much reward but if you’re a plodder, might be right. Not really scalable IMO.

It’s £90k for the tipper.
£1500 per month for 5 years.
£2k per week
£600 odd on derv. 4-5 loads per day. If you want a wage
Not really scalable IMO.

By my maths that’s

£900 a week on finance and fuel.

So you’ve £1100 a week left to pay for

Yard rental

That’s assuming you don’t take out a loan to pay for the deposit on the truck or for anything else you need to set up.

Sounds like the square root of ■■■■ all left over as profit or to pay a bloke if you need a day off or get ill.

Seems like you’re just better off giving Tarmac or AI your house rather that going to the trouble of losing it