Web Site "Trafficengland.com"

For anyone driving who has web access before or during their journey the
web site shown above gives traffic conditions for the whole of the uk
in real time.
As well as delays on roads caused by accidents it also shows what all
the overhead signs on motorways are displaying.

just had a quick glance,looks ok but you can never tell from first visit also todays a day off for some :smiley:


Cheers dave , good site to bookmark!

Any others around ■■ :unamused: :unamused:

It seems to be a victim of its own success.

I’ve tried several times today, but it wont load.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

It seems to be a victim of its own success.

I’ve tried several times today, but it wont load.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

It came back again at about 1930 Hrs and most of the screen was plastered with warning signs across the motorway network… :unamused:

It seems to be a victim of its own success.

I’ve tried several times today, but it wont load

Yup.I’d agree with that.

I was trying to get it to work this afternoon,so as I could give out up to date reports to radio amateurs,who were within the range of the Wakefield amateur radio repeater,GB3YW,and who were mobile.

Trying to access it was nigh impossible.


Even tonight, it would not load properly through AOL. So I tried it using Firefox.

Loaded immediately. :slight_smile:

got it first time ,although its 4 15 am. looks a good site tho. nice post