We talked about it 3 months ago

WHY do people dig out old links to things that have been discussed a long time in the past?.

Is it sucha ■■■■■■■ task for the to discuss something again?.

New people dont go trailing thorugh the hundreds of pages to see if a subject has been raised before.

WHY do people dig out old links to things that have been discussed a long time in the past?.

Is it sucha [zb] task for the to discuss something again?.

New people dont go trailing thorugh the hundreds of pages to see if a subject has been raised before.

I suppose it would depend how long ago something was last discussed - a lot come straight onto the site and ask without using the search facility and then, if talked about recently, someone will put a link on as a reply.
Of course, that does not mean that a new ‘Take’ on the issue would be dismissed, in fact it would be welcomed in most cases, IMO of course.