We all love trucks?



Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold

Yes it wasn’t the ideal day cab motor for nights out, but as a drivers lorry a superb tool, superb all round visibility handled well with a free revving engine, lovely Roadranger fitment with each gear change perfectly spaced as the revs dropped they slotted in precisely, lightning quick gearchange they’d give the supposedly better makes a good run run for their money, cruise at 75 all day long which for a early 70’s lorry wasn’t bad at all.
With a York 40ft flat trailer almost 22 ton payload @ 32t GVW, not to be sniffed at.

A lightening quick change if it had a TL 11 & Fuller box, it had the old slow 6 speed and 5 nights out a week in it was no fun !

Had that Buffalo got a brown cab ex Nicholls timber by any chance Trev?



Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold

Yes it wasn’t the ideal day cab motor for nights out, but as a drivers lorry a superb tool, superb all round visibility handled well with a free revving engine, lovely Roadranger fitment with each gear change perfectly spaced as the revs dropped they slotted in precisely, lightning quick gearchange they’d give the supposedly better makes a good run run for their money, cruise at 75 all day long which for a early 70’s lorry wasn’t bad at all.
With a York 40ft flat trailer almost 22 ton payload @ 32t GVW, not to be sniffed at.

A lightening quick change if it had a TL 11 & Fuller box, it had the old slow 6 speed and 5 nights out a week in it was no fun !

Yes that’s what it was, fond memories, still (where possible) using digs at the time.

pete smith:



Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold

Yes it wasn’t the ideal day cab motor for nights out, but as a drivers lorry a superb tool, superb all round visibility handled well with a free revving engine, lovely Roadranger fitment with each gear change perfectly spaced as the revs dropped they slotted in precisely, lightning quick gearchange they’d give the supposedly better makes a good run run for their money, cruise at 75 all day long which for a early 70’s lorry wasn’t bad at all.
With a York 40ft flat trailer almost 22 ton payload @ 32t GVW, not to be sniffed at.

A lightening quick change if it had a TL 11 & Fuller box, it had the old slow 6 speed and 5 nights out a week in it was no fun !

Had that Buffalo got a brown cab ex Nicholls timber by any chance Trev?

No not that one Pete, that was ok with a TL 11 in it,
the one I had after was the non turbo L12 and 6 speed box that was really crap.


Was given an E reg erf for a week, decided to take a weeks holiday after a day in it.
Also had a job going down to Southern Germany in an M reg Magnum, around 4 yrs old at the time, absolute crap.

Did it have a booster seat ?

Very good, you got me! :smiley:
I should re-read before posting!!!

Iveco 220 twin steer.Heap of rubbish.

Must add.The FL7 wendy house was horrible to.


Not sure what model but it was a Renault tractor unit with the Volvo cab and a 290 hp motor for 38 tonnes. F740 TEE and F741TEE (Heron Distribution) Rumour has it our fleet manager received death threats from the rather naïve guy that bought them when they came up for disposal!

That’s probably another vote for the G290.I’d be very surprised if that was just a ‘rumour’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Ha Ha you just reminded me of the Merc 2534 (with eps) we had to give up our Man 17.332s (Eaton twin split) for those sheds, put the Merc 2nd and FL10 3rd



Not sure what model but it was a Renault tractor unit with the Volvo cab and a 290 hp motor for 38 tonnes. F740 TEE and F741TEE (Heron Distribution) Rumour has it our fleet manager received death threats from the rather naïve guy that bought them when they came up for disposal!

That’s probably another vote for the G290.I’d be very surprised if that was just a ‘rumour’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Ha Ha you just reminded me of the Merc 2534 (with eps) we had to give up our Man 17.332s (Eaton twin split) for those sheds, put the Merc 2nd and FL10 3rd

‘Luckily’ our 2534’s were specced with the manual not EPS shift.The downside to that being that Merc probably only went to all the trouble of designing the EPS because of the diabolical heavy shift of the manual which liked shearing shift linkages on a regular basis. :imp: :laughing:

As for the FL10 that was a great wagon compared to the F7.

Let alone those Renault G range heaps. :imp: