We all love trucks?

The one I hated most was a Bedford KM…TLB 148W,what a gutless piece of crap,I’d only have to whistle "There is a green hill far away " and I’d have to drop down a gear!!!
Bubbs :wink:

‘S’ Reg MAN F series. Horrible seat, a park bench was more comfortable, rubbish steering wheel, next to zero adjustment on both of them so could never get comfy.
Awful cable change 4 over 4 box that refused to go into high range until it warmed up.
Terrible mirrors and ergonomics straight out of the 1960’s.
I blame this one vehicle for all my aches and pains, horrible teutonic torture machine.

Mercedes Axor

+1 Glad I’m not alone :laughing::lol:

Mk1 Merc Axor - don’t really need to expand on this one

They’re all zb:!:

Not sure what model but it was a Renault tractor unit with the Volvo cab and a 290 hp motor for 38 tonnes. F740 TEE and F741TEE (Heron Distribution) Rumour has it our fleet manager received death threats from the rather naïve guy that bought them when they came up for disposal!

Not sure what model but it was a Renault tractor unit with the Volvo cab and a 290 hp motor for 38 tonnes. F740 TEE and F741TEE (Heron Distribution) Rumour has it our fleet manager received death threats from the rather naïve guy that bought them when they came up for disposal!

That’s probably another vote for the G290.I’d be very surprised if that was just a ‘rumour’. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Mitsubishi Canter.

Done 9/10 hour driving days in these. Absolute abominations.

my first truck was my worst one it was a day cab daf 2800
I was so happy after about 1 year I got a daf 3300 space cab happy days

we all have to start somewhere.

seth 70:

seth 70:

Mercedes Axor

Yep and cf a close 2nd,for older stuff id a drove owt really ,cab happy and eager :wink:

Just thought of 2 horrid things i drove,in the 90s i had a spell with the green plague :confused: they had some ford cargo 38 ton sleeper cabs and some strato 38ton day cabs ,both were shocking motors :open_mouth:

the strato was a good motor,the only thing I kept messing up was the eaton splitter box,going up the box no problem,coming down was a constant problem,burnt the clutch out in the end,mind you it was my first wagon after passing,so still a novice

Tuesdays lorry Daf 95 480,door shuts not nice ,gear linkage poor cab on air not nice ,vision not good ,not a patch on the 85 ,merc hacksaw 4 over 4 nock over poor ,commer. C range horrible ,any foden awfull contraption excluding the alphas ,ERF or Volvo every time for me .

Had one of these in the TA I’m sure it was Petrol and a LOVELY motor to drive :grimacing:


nothing else can be this bad surely? only lorry i have HATED driving.
i used to drive a 1989 ford cargo,premium motor compared to the hino.
just awful-gearstick like a ■■■■■■■ boxing glove,interior like a toyota pickup truck,no leg room at all and i’m only 5 ’ 10" .
gutless piece of crap.my dads old Bedfords were more comfortable.

G reg Merc 2421 mixer.
Steering wheel like a kiddy’s garden trampoline.
Power-wise, it wouldn’t pull your ■■■■■■■■ back.
Took less effort to kickstart a 747 than it did to operate the clutch.

I must have been fortunate in never having had a bad truck! All five did the job asked of them and got me home at the end of the day, can ask nothing more of any truck. :wink:


When I was agency, I drove a Axor that smelt like TCP in the cab.

Seddon Atkinson 3-11 then MAN 35-343 8 wheel roll on with five pot engine.

Was given an E reg erf for a week, decided to take a weeks holiday after a day in it.
Also had a job going down to Southern Germany in an M reg Magnum, around 4 yrs old at the time, absolute crap.

Did it have a booster seat ?

Anything with an ERF badge on it. There’s are very good reason they went down the pan, they’re crap

Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold, the Sed-Ak 401 that replaced it was luxury by comparison !

By a close second as the worst was the Daf XF 105 auto slug that I finished with !

Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold

Yes it wasn’t the ideal day cab motor for nights out, but as a drivers lorry a superb tool, superb all round visibility handled well with a free revving engine, lovely Roadranger fitment with each gear change perfectly spaced as the revs dropped they slotted in precisely, lightning quick gearchange they’d give the supposedly better makes a good run run for their money, cruise at 75 all day long which for a early 70’s lorry wasn’t bad at all.
With a York 40ft flat trailer almost 22 ton payload @ 32t GVW, not to be sniffed at.


Worst I ever drove was a Leyland buffalo (L12) noisy as hell and freezing cold

Yes it wasn’t the ideal day cab motor for nights out, but as a drivers lorry a superb tool, superb all round visibility handled well with a free revving engine, lovely Roadranger fitment with each gear change perfectly spaced as the revs dropped they slotted in precisely, lightning quick gearchange they’d give the supposedly better makes a good run run for their money, cruise at 75 all day long which for a early 70’s lorry wasn’t bad at all.
With a York 40ft flat trailer almost 22 ton payload @ 32t GVW, not to be sniffed at.

A lightening quick change if it had a TL 11 & Fuller box, it had the old slow 6 speed and 5 nights out a week in it was no fun !