Watch topics

Is there a way on the forum you can watch topics ? As I know on another fourm “irish rigs” you can watch the topic and when someone posts in it you get a email saying so.

As there some sections I miss and some I Wanna know if someone posted.


At very near the bottom of the page on each topic,just above the black line you will see-board index subscribe topic bookmark.
If you tap on subscribe then you will get a mail.

To unsubscribe,go into user control panel and you will see sunscriptions,tap on that and tick any you dont want and click unmark on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Pretty sure thats the truth and it isn’t far away if I’m mistaken.

Cheers Mate :slight_smile:

No problem.

Although no guarantees of an email. There seems to be some problem with emails being sent from subscribed or participated topics as I am lucky if I get one.

I got emails telling me someone posted :slight_smile:

Although no guarantees of an email. There seems to be some problem with emails being sent from subscribed or participated topics as I am lucky if I get one.

did you check your spam folder ?

Yes. And in fact I even have the email address on my ‘allowed’ list just to be doubly sure

That’s strange, I get emails OK regardless how I’ve subscribed to a thread :confused:

They can on occasions be a bit slow coming but they always seem to arrive sooner or later.

Presumably you have checked your control panel settings, User Control Panel / Board Preferences / Edit Posting Defaults / Notify me upon replies by default: