Watch out for power lines!

from an email I got today
When throwing the chain over the logs he hit a power line. The tyres started to melt within seconds.

No body got hurt.


from an email I got today

Always a sign of a potentially fake set of pictures :smiley:

Nasty! don’t throw so high next time :wink:

Crikey, he was keen! Would’ve been a nice bbq :wink: Had a guy do a similar thing in our loading bay several years back. Sheeted and roped his load up, pulled out of the bay and took half the fire sprinkler pipework with him!

Double post

He threw a chain. :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:
Who was he, Superman? :open_mouth:
Didn’t look like a chain to me, more like a cable. Still a hell of an effort though.
Me, I used to throw a rope and then tie the chain on, I thought everyone did that. :confused: :laughing:

It looks like an American truck and trailer.

So probably not an English chain, just a wimpy light American throwing “chain” :wink:

Bet it was an electrifying experience.

but what bright spark parks under a power line knowing you will have to throw chains over the load [/b]

Should buff out with a bit of T Cut :laughing:

Then be on the M1 next week with foreign plates on it :laughing: