Was sure I had made a post

Has someone been deleting posts■■?

Nope. You’d have had a pm if anyone had, explaining why.

That’s what I thought, but am still sure I made it and even viewed it, but I suppose I may not have “Submitted” it after viewing it. Ah well.

I have had posts removed with NO PM or explanation at all they just seem to apparently disappear in to cyber space/.

That’s not true Alex. You’ve had posts removed by accident, and received both an explanation and an apology from the Mod concerned. I know this because I witnessed it. If you choose not to believe that explanation, there is nothing I can do, but that does not mean that it didn’t happen or isn’t true.

In those cases, the classic mistake was made where a Mod hit the “edit” button instead of the “quote” button and didn’t realise until too late. I’ve done this by accident myself in the past, it’s an easy mistake to make. It’s always apologised for when it happens though, as soon as the mistake has been brought to the Mod’s attention. If a Mod has made this mistake and not realised, you need only point us in the direction of the post concerned so that we can resolve it. The volunteer staff are human and therefore not perfect, after all.

In smcaul’s case, however, I’ve checked and this hasn’t happened. There are 101 reasons why a post may not appear…everything from a temporary connection drop at the wrong moment to a software glitch or a server problem just as you were posting. Computer programmers are by no means perfect either, and this board has been fairly extensively modified - and continues to be - from the original opensource software. It’s inevitable that there’ll be the odd hiccup, for which we can only apologise on behalf of our valiant techies.

The volunteer staff are human

Thank you :sunglasses: ,

and therefore not perfect

eh :question: :question:

It has happened to me also, most annoying after spending 5 minutes on a carefully reasoned aguement, but I think the truth is I’ve hit the ‘back’ button after previewing instead of ‘submit’, as SM said. Trouble is you may not notice your valuable cobtribution to English Literature is not there 'till the next day :cry: .

Now then…what is it I’m supposed to press now? Oh, sod it :smiling_imp:

Salut, David.