Want to move/work abroad

hi im quite new (1 year exact) with 1 year on my licence and it being summer work should be flooding in but no its crap hear in uk and am wondering if i would be better of packing my bags for europe maybe holland, can any 1 help me on how to go about finding work, moving and work permits etc



Right, well, first off, all the market analysts tell us that the real slowdown is just hitting the UK, and will reach Euroland about Christmas. It won’t be better here for much longer.
Next, moving. You don’t need a work permit to work in any EU country. The only country I know of that needs you to do anything to drive for a living there is france, they want their FIMO done.
Not sure about Holland, but Belgium is easy, once you have a place, you register yourself with the local town hall, and hand them your licence, and they send you a new one and sort out telling Swansea of your move. I don’t hear it being much different in Holland.
Hunt for a job first, you can use your UK licence so long as you still officially live in the UK. Moving in with the parents on an official basis seems reasonably popular. When you have a decent job, and feel happy to relocate, look at it in more depth then. Your boss there will be able to help out.
Mine has, he’s very helpful. I’m looking to relocate in the winter, to a place in Belgium. Which will be 6 months in the job, nicely settled, and knowing it’s one I’m gonna keep for the long term. Which is certainly true for me, but you may not be so happy about the job you get. So don’t hang yourself out to dry in a foreign country with no way out until you know.

…you can use your UK licence so long as you still officially live in the UK.

Maybe a difference in theory and practice, but mutual recognition of driving licences between EU member states means an exchange of licence is not necessary as long as the licence has not expired - resident or not.

In my case that is April 2012, as that is when the photocard expires. It’s not getting changed until then, if I’m still here.


…you can use your UK licence so long as you still officially live in the UK.

Maybe a difference in theory and practice, but mutual recognition of driving licences between EU member states means an exchange of licence is not necessary as long as the licence has not expired - resident or not.

In my case that is April 2012, as that is when the photocard expires. It’s not getting changed until then, if I’m still here.

That may be true in Ireland but in most( :unamused: ) parts of France you must exchange your UK licence for a French one to drive an HGV. It is true for car licences though, as long as you don’t commit an offence for which they require points to be deducted - then a French one must be obtained.

That may be true in Ireland but in most( :unamused: ) parts of France you must exchange your UK licence for a French one to drive an HGV. It is true for car licences though, as long as you don’t commit an offence for which they require points to be deducted - then a French one must be obtained.

Actually it’s true in most of the EU, it’s just the French like to be awkward. :laughing:

In the UK, non UK EU licence holders that are resident can optionally get a UK counterpart for non-vocational licences, but it’s compulsory for vocational licence holders.

(well sort of :wink: - practice and theory strikes again)

Amen David.in France you can change your licence for a French one.If you then lose points from your licence,every 2 years you can take a course to get the points back.The UK?
I am not advocating breaking the law,but on my last job I sped thro’ a village near Troyes,I had a fine(dont remember how much) & 2 points.
Bit later my boss said I had to have a holiday & as I never took time off,he paid for said course.
No it wasn’t Norbert. I’m talking about a decent employer.

you get a year to change your hgv in belgium once you have registered there,to have a car there you need belgium id to get your num plates for your car,if you dont register you can keep your uk car if you leave the country i think its every 6 months,doesnt have to be the uk.i am thinking of moving back,uk work is crap and the only firms who pay decent are the agencies,i keep in touch with mates in belg they let me know whats going on,i only left there because my partner wanted to try out the uk after living in belg for 16yrs,what a big mistake,for me anyway,she gets better work here but i hate it here,so we are at logger heads over what to do,stay here shes happy iam miserable struggling with work,go back she not happy but iam,but she doesnt get it that i earn the best wages,and can do a job i feel good in,its a bad situation to be in :confused: