Want to Become a Truck Driver

Get rid of rear view mirror

Remember when you learnt to drive a car & the sterring wheel position as well as seat position then that will help keep hand on the stering wheel at all times un less changing gear

Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror

Mirror Signal Manoeuvre

BTW dont forget those mirrors

Position Mirrors so that you have to turn your head so that they can see you using your Mirrors

Dont forget your Mirrors

hiya as experienced instructors out there i want some help as to how to drive i still got some time left on my training its end of october. i am thinking if i can improve little skills now in the car i probably not gonna require more then 20 hours that is just my guessing, if any of u instructors can give me any idea advice so i can adopt that in my normal routine now i will be very thank ful to all.

That is covered in the LGV TRAINING TIPS sticky - LINK BELOW IN MY SIGNATURE

Hello Every 1, Well i have had an assessment Today for an hour well i had no problems with the gear changing but i was a bit scared of the size of the truck and i have clipped the kurb 2 to 3 times, went to industrial site drove from the first time, it was a shock basically for me lol From suzuki Alto To Direct 18 Ton lol i wasnt nervous i was listening to instructor and checking my mirrors My Instructor was briliant Never shouted Or Moaned Of Anything proper Friendly environment. Well Now i am officially going for it thats for sure will keep u guys updated as i go along.

The Things I have To look out for i think my self , Road Ahead So i can React in good time, and also when i stop not to change gear to neutral before brake.
Does any body know any good video i can watch or so and memorize it and all… although i have only had 1 hour but the size of the vehicle was nerve racking i cutting in like a car when over taking stopped trailers and vehicles.

Does any body know any good video i can watch or so and memorize it and all…

Ask Paul because differing views could confuse

When I had no idea about gear shifting on HGV’s
these videos was very helpful to me. The first one is
with driver comments with 4 over 4.

Second one 12 gear.

And. Regarding your planning ahead.
When I’ve been working on a bus I had to do training in this one
speconthejob.com/blog-cdl-dr … ith-5-Keys

Hope this helps!
Mario :wink:

Congratulations on the pass!

I believe Warrington is a good place to be based as a hgv driver, so when you pass your test, hopefully you should be able to find work quite quickly.

and also when i stop not to change gear to neutral before brake.

Doesn’t matter. Used to but not now. Make sure you don’t go for neutral before the vehicle stops.

Good luck, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

peter what about hand brake when i stop my vehicle do i have to put handbrake on first before i change gear in to neutrel or i can change gear in to neutrel and then i can put hand brake on■■? My instructore told me to foot on brake first then clutch and when it stop hand brake on first and then change gear in to neutrel.

hello every 1, i just had 2 hours session today, For the first time i went on to the road, i drove in proper road for an hour i guess or 45 minutes i havnt had any problems with the gears but i clipped the curb quiet a number of times, when exiting round about Any suggestions or any idea what should i do even though i check the nearside mirror but still cant get the idea like is the truck gonna clip the kurb in the end, its a dead tight roads where i am learning, in Wigan.

I just got back from My practical Test And i am please to say i have passed My Practical With only 12 faults. I am really Thanking for paul From hindley Green LGV Trainer For 3 countinous Days for 4 hour every day he was helping me out with every thing basically. And I am happy to say i have learnt from the best instructor in north west for only 700 pound for 20 hours. I am very happy cant express myself Its all thanks To Paul. God Bless You Paul And i will do my cpc from you paul. And Also Thx To Rog, Peter Smythe and off all the People Who Helped Me Get through this Thank you once Again i probably will need you guys help in future And i am very happy to found this website Once Again. I would Strongly Recommend Paul From hingley Green From North West Thx All.

I Cant Believe i passed it first time lol. i am dead happy.

Congratulations. Good luck for the future.