Walmarts New Truck

check this out … ure-semis-

Can’t see many companies going for that they can’t even shake the old bull nose Petes etc let alone a concept truck like that. Not sure I would want to sit in the middle.

That’s about as practical as a box of rocks. driver sits in the middle, so all the side and rear vision is by mirrors or TV screens, reversing into any spot unless straight back would be a nightmare but then these idiots that design such things have no idea what it is like to drive a truck, I am remeinded of the Tesco store in Windsor (UK), it was designed by some master geezer who had not got a clue how trucks manouver, I took one of the first deliveries there when it opened, the bays are designed so you have no option but to blindside in off the street and around to the docks, if the driver is not too savy about such things it leads to disaster.
Similar bright spark design here :laughing:

That looks more expensive than my bottom of the line Freightshaker so i doubt they’ll buy many. :slight_smile:
