Wallace, Gromit and the old Hippy! Bald blokes a winner!

City should be easily identified, but where abouts?


Bristol it is, but can we narrow it down ?


Not Ashton.


West Wallaby Street?


Horfields’s good enough for me bald bloke as its a bit hidden away. Extra points if you can narrow it down a bit more.

Horfields’s good enough for me bald bloke as its a bit hidden away. Extra points if you can narrow it down a bit more.

I’ll have a look on Google Earth when I get time but I bet Nick beats me to it.

Don’t have a clue as hippys obviously removed something

Don’t have a clue as hippys obviously removed something

Strange as i edited mine yesterday and lost a photo. :confused:

Hippy took the photo as he came out of a gate (which has a code to get into), pictured folks were on tje right as you exit. Hippy also admits to having neither the inclination nor the skill to alter anything! A nearby reference to a poet may give you a clue if you want to nail it.

Hippy took the photo as he came out of a gate (which has a code to get into), pictured folks were on the right as you exit. Hippy also admits to having neither the inclination nor the skill to alter anything! A nearby reference to a poet may give you a clue if you want to nail it.