Walking away from an hgv dream

Hi All,

Thanks to all of you that have replied to my post’s, pm me, and chatted etc, your a great bunch on here.

Iv been thinking long and hard, and today my minds made up, i’m going to stop thinking about being a hgv driver, and when my medical comes up in 2013, not take it and give the license up.

I passed my class 2 back in 2008, and since then iv emailed and rang anyone that operates hgv’s within a 30mile of Grantham, and done this every few months. Iv applied for jobs, the most recent was last friday at a local skip firm, id already applied twice, and even said this time, i will work for less than the wage in the advert to get experience and a foot on ladder, heard today that was another no. Tried all the agencies, qs, and eclipse, both say no, not without experience. Had countless interviews, for jobs i thought i had, has the guys seem keen, then say we found someone with experience. even applied for class 2 jobs on 6.50 an hour and still no good.

Even looked further afield, jobs 40 - 50 miles away, but been told they have locals, and dont want to employee staff to fare away.

The daft thing is, if i put my c.v. in for other roles, i get interviews and job offers, just not hgv. Iv been temping with the hope i can leave a be a hgv driver, but this is getting me no where, so im going for long term career’s away from driver work, one of which might start next week or so, and thats it then, no more looking, as iv got to get my head down and settle into a job.

Iv given this as much as i can, haha even had a bit in one of the truck driver mags, when they asked me about being a newbie.

Anyway, its not been easy to make my mind up, but i dont see things changing anytime soon. and with the driver cpc etc coming in, im just going to face more outlay, for no return. as it is im 1000 down the pan.

Any newbies that read this, if you want it , go for it, you might have more luck.

I’m going to stay a member , as i enjoy reading the post’s and looking at all the pics you guys sumit.


sorry to hear about that, ive been int he same boat about finding work, passed my class 2 in september 2007 and class 1 in august 2008, im also 23 so its just a pain in the backside though i have been very lucky with agency work and other work. though im following up a lead to a job thats not even in the uk. the lenghts we have to go to to get work

Hey good luck with the job lead, is it some place warm, that would be a plus anyway for you.

Sorry to hear you’ve had no luck mate. Have you thought about getting your class 1? I know it’s another outlay butI think there’s more work opportunity as others on here have said in the past. I’m a newbie myself and have had agency work since I passed last month.

Whatever you do good luck but wouldn’t chuck the licence in though. For the sake of a £40 medical you’ll always have it and as for the CPC, you can deal with that if you ever come back to trucking.

Hey good luck with the job lead, is it some place warm, that would be a plus anyway for you.

its out in europe, so eventually it will be warmer lol

Did you ask for feedback from the job applications?
What was that feedback?

Many do not ask for or insist on feedback but it is one of the main ways that any issues can be identified and/or resolved for future applications elsewhere.

Sorry to read of your predicament.When I was in YOUR POsition I did the bus licence and found regular work.Its very frustrating when no one will give you a chance to prove yourself.Are there any Owner drivers who could share a days work with you.

hi Robin_A

sorry to here your trouble mate i have experience and i now 44 and be looking for work for 18 months and have done same as you emailed CV out till i am blue in the face even got my hiab now but still no joy, with me i have even applied to other sectors of employment even work as a burger flipper for a well known one but no joy, so good look hope all works out for you

Did you ask for feedback from the job applications?
What was that feedback?

Many do not ask for or insist on feedback but it is one of the main ways that any issues can be identified and/or resolved for future applications elsewhere.

Hi ROG i asked about feed back and there told me that there so many application there did not what to waste money on posteage and open them up to been libel

Hi ROG i asked about feed back and there told me that there so many application there did not what to waste money on posteage and open them up to been libel

What a load of tosh… libel indeed!!
All you need is a minute of feedback over the phone

It could be that the OP is just unlucky to be in a ‘dead zone’ of the UK for LGV driver recruitment or there are too many experienced drivers out of work in the area but until any feedback is attained then this is just speculation on my part…

If you always wanted to do it, why not keep trying, I passed a few month ago, and got agency through a friend, start tommorow, , have you got any friends who could recommend you.
seems alot of money to waste, will you also be happy in any thing else other than what you wanted to do.

the area is grantham, not sure its dead, but theres alot of drivers with experience about, we had a b and / t and g centre close here, which was big, then irlams went from harlaxton road in town. both of which are class 1 trucks, or were.

the next local place is newark, they have currys but its all dhl and class 1 store work, then stobarts but class 1, would get class 1 but asked oth them, they said would not be able to drive unless held license for 2 years and 2 years exp.

feed back, yeh asked, mostly told there’s lot’s of guys with experience, and that’s what we prefer . to be honest, i cant blame them, if i had a firm, and with cost of insurance etc, id go for the guy with a good load of experience.

i will say one thing tho, treasure transport in grantham did send a letter back saying no work, but will keep me on file, and in this day of age, thats a pritty decent thing to do.

just a thought but when the fair is in town why not ask if they need a driver as i know a mate of mine always goes to an agency when he needs a driver for his lorrys


Jo Treasure is, or was, a good company with ‘old fashioned values’ if you know what I mean.

I’m assuming you tried 3663 (if they’re still there - near Downtown); they took on a mate of mine a few years ago when he had no experience. Not that it’s relevant but he only did a year there and then became an OD (tipper with Hanson).

Just out of interest have you tried asking for some saturday expirence, Find a local firm, preferably a smaller one with just a dozen or so wagon’s explain the situation your in, and just ask if you can go out on some saturday work with there more expirienced drivers, Obviously for free, and just as a passenger, But it might get your foot in the door, get to know the job etc,

just a thought


Keep signed on to the agency mate and on your days off from your new job if there’s work going, go for it. Better rate on weekends aswell :wink:

Please don’t give up on your dream!

I like you passed ages ago in 2006. I found work straight away with an agency but was forced to leave to find regular work - back in a office and have been unhappy ever since.

Every year I try to get work and get knocked back… this year I will NOT give up. I’ve given up on agencies now. I have sent a very nice letter explaining my situation and have aleady emailed it to every haulage company in my area (about 7) theres many more without emails though and my plan is to visit each company in person. Get my face known and remembered and leave my CV and ‘nice’ letter with them. Then just keep my fingers crossed someone will give me a break.

My partner who has been driving for many many years has told me the only way to get into the industry is to lie about experience - I refuse to (although I may have to as a very very last resort!) - besides Ive also been told by drivers, agencies and companies that this time of year is very very quiet.

… so hang on in there and dont give up on your dream - you will regret it.

Good luck and I hope to read on here you found work x

Please don’t give up on your dream!

I like you passed ages ago in 2006. I found work straight away with an agency but was forced to leave to find regular work - back in a office and have been unhappy ever since.

Every year I try to get work and get knocked back… this year I will NOT give up. I’ve given up on agencies now. I have sent a very nice letter explaining my situation and have aleady emailed it to every haulage company in my area (about 7) theres many more without emails though and my plan is to visit each company in person. Get my face known and remembered and leave my CV and ‘nice’ letter with them. Then just keep my fingers crossed someone will give me a break.

My partner who has been driving for many many years has told me the only way to get into the industry is to lie about experience - I refuse to (although I may have to as a very very last resort!) - besides Ive also been told by drivers, agencies and companies that this time of year is very very quiet.

… so hang on in there and dont give up on your dream - you will regret it.

Good luck and I hope to read on here you found work x

If you want a f/t job I can give you a lead of enquiry to follow up on?

Brakes at Grantham have loads of Class1 and about 20 Class2 trucks, I’ve been sent there on agency to drive both, Give them a try ? Multidropping in the class2 can be quite hard work though. Be warned that the driver accessment guy is a arse .


Thought id found one, class 2 job with local small company, www.2recycling.com in grantham.

The job went up on the jobcentre, and within 2 mins was down, so im thinking, great jobcentre made mistake, i will be only applicant, yay.

The guy must have clicked, as a week later jobs back up with same closing date.

So plan of action, i email again, as you can only email him to apply, i offer to work for less than the wage in advert, so that i can prove myself. Hey nothing still, so second email, i offer if it helps, a weeks free work, no strings, let me prove myself. still nothing.

I really think iv now offered all i can to the local firms, this was the last local firm, that id not applied to, and still nothing. He is a small company. www.2recycling.com and i thought maybe he would have givem me a go, or at least an interview. or maybe a reply to my email.

so rant over.

If nearby then I would have gone to the company to ask if they had any jobs and pretended I knew nothing about the advert :bulb: :bulb: