Waking up every hour

is there a reason why you wake up every hour through them night, have had it in past , and its started again over the last few weeks, just cant seem to go to bed, and sleep alnight, or even wake up once or twice.
it every hour, or half hour , getting more and more tired .
girlfreind said youve something on your mind, and your thinking about it in your sleep :open_mouth: :open_mouth: any ideas. ta

is there a reason why you wake up every hour through them night, have had it in past , and its started again over the last few weeks, just cant seem to go to bed, and sleep alnight, or even wake up once or twice.
it every hour, or half hour , getting more and more tired .
girlfreind said youve something on your mind, and your thinking about it in your sleep :open_mouth: :open_mouth: any ideas. ta

I have not got the book MIND READING :wink: but can offer a suggestion - read part of a book and close it at a good bit where you want to know what happens next - it may keep your mind on that instead of whatever else is bothering you - or see half a film as that can have the same effect as the book.

These may not work for you but is all I can think of right now.

It sounds like you could do with a trip to your GP for a MOT I wouldask for some routine blood tests to go with it including thyroid function. At least then you will know and you can look at relaxation techniques. :slight_smile:

when i spent 4 months in holland, i woke up EVERYNIGHT once…get back home to the UK and i sleep like a baby :open_mouth:

i bet she wakes me up with her starfish moves, now im home in bed alone i sleep like a baby again.

I wake everytime up all the night the reasons are the little ones kicks like mad :unamused:

I wake everytime up all the night the reasons are the little ones kicks like mad :unamused:

:open_mouth: Blimey Jen, is this going to be multi-drop?? :laughing: :grimacing:


I wake everytime up all the night the reasons are the little ones kicks like mad :unamused:

:open_mouth: Blimey Jen, is this going to be multi-drop?? :laughing: :grimacing:

OOps i mean one,He have 5 days the time or he is grounded for the first 30 years :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

is there a reason why you wake up every hour through them night, have had it in past , and its started again over the last few weeks, just cant seem to go to bed, and sleep alnight, or even wake up once or twice.
it every hour, or half hour , getting more and more tired .
girlfreind said youve something on your mind, and your thinking about it in your sleep :open_mouth: :open_mouth: any ideas. ta


Have you had a blood fasting cholestrol test to measure tryclicerides in the blood.No food the night before,the nurse does it,not a doc.Thyroid need to be tested at same time as cholestrol,they check liver function as well.Levothyroxin is one i may have to take,as im awake allnight,even with the cup of horlicks,and reduced caffeine levels in the day.No TV in the room where you sleep,it heats the brain up,and keeps one awake,ear plugs and eye shade if on the road,busy lay by noise etc.