Which now long closed lorry park would I have just missed the turn into & which old main road would I have been on? & for another point which old main road heads off right & to where?

Although I have lived in the USA for 12 years i think it looks very much like Stow on the wold.

Looks like stamford to me??

Google says Stamford as well! :laughing:

I reckon Stamford and your on high street st martins (having just crossed the river) and if you turn next right you’ll be on wharf road

To add to my earlier post,the pic is taken just after t/lights were you turned left for t/park, the road to your right is a16.to boston

Google says Stamford as well! :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Thats cheating.

Noone has mentioned that you would of course have been on the Great North Road (A1)

I had a load to the Ford garage down that turning on the left every week, was great if I had a 7.5 but a real pain in anything bigger, the 7.5t weight limit meant a long diversion to get there from the A1 and often waved fists from the locals for daring to take a truck down the historic high street!!

Dafdave on the nose & of course wolfie too.

Was wondering if many would remember the old lorry park here & does anyone remember the mad German woman who used to chase you down the road on her pushbike yelling that lorries shouldn’t be here (in a lorry park) :unamused: :laughing: