It is very naughty to refer to a female truck driver as a WAGGON DRAGGON.

My dad used to refer to female bus drivers as ‘Diesel Dykes’. I think he was only jealous though as he would have loved to have driven buses for a living.

Only one G in wagon and dragon, think it’s called the G spot.

Love a Lady Trucker-rhymes with #ucker !

Only one G in wagon and dragon, think it’s called the G spot.

Unless the “wagon” is a Sentinel steamer, then it’s got two "g"s. :slight_smile:

I’ve known a few woman truck drivers in my time, some are good some are bad and some just shouldn’t have bothered, just like men truck drivers.

Try being a male truck driver you get called a lot worse things than that !!!


I think the Polish term if TIRuva but I could have spelt that wrong.