
Oh’ Dear!, The brown stuff has started to hit the fan at VW with two plants idle & the ending of job guarantees at 6 plants & a 4 day week on the cards.
The first time in it’s entire history that it’s had to close plants in Germany.

Volkswagen Group CEO Oliver Blume told staff at a packed meeting in Wolfsburg yesterday that they have one to two years to turn the company around.
They’re also in line for huge fines at the end of the year with overselling ICE vehicles & missing their 22% sales of electric vehicles this year, The percentage of electric vehicles auto manufacturers have to sell next year goes up to 28% & this years shortfall will be tagged onto that.

Their EV’s are way too expensive & the software in them is still subpar to the Chinese brands. The cashcow days are over. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/german-union-vw-4-day-week-conceivable-will-consider-all-options-2024-09-05/
Ebay need to stockpile yellow vests.

It’s hard to sell a commodity that few want to buy. That’s the plain, simple and unequivocal truth.

They’re going to be in a death spiral soon if they can’t stem their losses whether it’s electric or ICE which has a limited life span in Europe.

China, Once their biggest bread & butter market has disappeared & sales of their ICE vehicles have collapsed along with Honda, Mitsubishi, Jeep & Hyundai who have all closed plants there, They made huge profits around 50% of their total profits there in the last decade or so.

VW CEO said in that link, don’t expect any more pay checks from China.
They’ve spent €10’s of billions on BEV’s & failed & they’re going to lose €millions more buying carbon credits from Tesla at the end of the year.

Former VW CEO Herbert Diess must be saying Told you so to the VW board after they fired him.

Their business model has failed because of ICE rationing and customers who want ICE not electric.Not because they want a Chinese EV over a German EV.
Although I’d prefer a JLR EV than a Chinese one if the choice is walk or the bus v a usual JLR type with 150 mph and 0-60 mph in less than 4 seconds.
Unfortunately for Chyanar’s military budget.

On the contrary, People are brainwashed by MSM who are bank rolled by big oil to spread FUD about electric cars to keep their fossil fuel dominance, The latest .Gov poll showed abysmal understanding of electric cars by petrol/drivers,

“When asked if ten separate statements about EVs were true or false, more than half (57%) of petrol/diesel cars drivers got just 2 or less out of ten correct, with 90% scoring just five or less out of ten. Around a quarter (23%) got none correct.”

All that matters is that you ain’t going to get as far as an ICE before it needs a charge and it’s going to take much longer to find a charging station and to recharge it, at a higher cost, than re filling the tank of an ICE with the equivalent energy.No doubt the questions were created by and for the see see pee.

Oh, Heck!! VW plant closures are worse than they thought, with three plant closures in Germany on the cards & wage cuts for workers. VW to shut at least three German plants, union says

iv never met a full blood German that iv liked! by contrast iv met several Chinese that i have liked .

Blimey! VW’s top shareholder, Porsche SE to write down up to €20billion on its investment.

VW are leaving it a bit late! They’re now slashing prices on EVs & raising prices of their ICE vehicles.
On January 1, the EU will drastically lower its cap on automotive CO2 emissions & most legacy auto are looking at eye-watering fines for underselling EVs.

Can I just pull you up on that? The phrase “underselling “ ev’s suggests that they are persuading potential customers to buy ICE as opposed to EV. I don’t for a second believe that. My Mrs is in the car game and believe me they heave a sigh of relief every time they manage to offload one of these ball and chains that have been foisted upon them.

The bare naked truth is that EV’s aren’t selling because people don’t want them in sufficient numbers. Sure, there’ll always be fans, face it there are still people who bought squarials and Betamax thinking it was the future.

In the final reckoning you can’t base a business on trying to sell consumers something that they don’t want! If I go to town to buy a pair of shoes then no salesman no matter how persuasive he or she is is going to sell me a pair of diving flippers!

Call it by any name you see fit but at the end of the day they’ve undersold EV’s & didn’t make the necessary 22% of EV’s.
One of the main reasons they are not selling is because legacy auto’s EV offerings are too expensive by a country mile.
Sales of EV’s worldwide are rising YOY & Britain had the best month on record in November.

It ain’t too rosy in Europe with ICE sales. what did electric Jesus say?..owning a fossil fuel car is like owning a horse.

Nah, I’m not having that. They aren’t selling because overall they’re not wanted. Simple as that.

LOL Depends if you read the tabloid sh*%e opposed to proper data.

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Don’t read papers mate, but I do talk to many people from massively different walks of life.

Then we both have a different circle of people we talk too.

Apparently so. That’s human nature though isn’t it? Look, I appreciate that you’ve been banging this drum for years now and it’s transformed into some sort of evangelical crusade to you. People have generally just let you run with this and smiled benignly as they would at their favourite mad uncle and that’s fair because you genuinely believe that EV’s are the way forward. I personally don’t, I think that they and the necessary infrastructure are totally unsustainable.

For every problem solved such as the damage caused by open cast lithium mining or battery disposal ten more rear their ugly heads.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on this. History will prove one of us right.

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It’s all down to individual choice. Personally I don’t want a EV. I can’t charge at home (live in an upper flat) so cannot take advantage of any cheap overnight electricity rates.
Why should I go and sit in some supermarket car park for a few hours to get a charge when I can call into a filling station for five minutes and fill up with petrol.
I have looked at the prices of some of the Chinese EV’s and they are certainly attractive however are the manufacturers receiving any Goverment support?.
They are only building EV’s so do not have to support two different production lines and the necessary dealer support / product training and parts supply.

Not an evangeliac crusade whatsoever & besides! I’m not seeing any sources whatsoever from you about what you say, If it’s the FUD that the oil industry paid MSM to spread these things or the chap sdown the pub, then I get on my high horse, I dislike hearsay without data. t
There is even a government sponsered anti FUD site now to dispell all the garbage MSM utter.
Yes I love them, they trump the ICE car experience by a country mile in my book, everything in life is subjective to eadh & everyone of us. I’ve been following this since 2015 when the Paris accord was signed & then promptly ignored by legacy auto until the early 2020;s & the penny finally dropped that their manufacture of ICE vehicles is going the way of the Dodo, It’s the disruption of so many industries that legacy auto refused to acknowledge & just look at the deindustrialisation of Europe right now.
I’m still a classic car enthusiast & have spent a lifetime owning them, that interest has never gone away.
I couldn’t care less for legacy auto after they’ve spent €millions on lobbying trying respective governments to make it go away. They’ve stopped the consumer from getting better made affordable EV’s from China, Well one form of transport is going away & the other isn’t.
The EU has just rubber stamped the green deal/NetZero in which the UK is signed up to & a fully paid up member.

I can accept that but sat in a car park for a few hours!!! You can get charged from 20% to 80% in 15-20 minutes these days from most cars the only time it will take longer is if you charge past 80%, it’s pointless & will take longer to get that last 20% as the charge curve tapers off.
BYD has got new dealerships coming online around the country at present, I’ve been looking at the BYD ATTO 3 lately (not to buy) there will be two dealerships open soon in Bury near me, Stockport & one in Prescot soon.