Vote for the livery of year competition

Commercial Motor’s inaugural Livery of the Year competition.

We have asked 20 industry experts (including a few RTM staff members) to nominate their favourite UK truck livery. But now we need your help to pick a winner.

Simply go here to vote for your favourite out of the 20 nominated

Graham Poole now you cant call that a Livery really as they don’t follow any pattern .
Birmingham airport Fire service ■■ what the hell has that to do with anything commercial … might as well put the Army trucks in :confused:

My dot went into Premier Logistics you can have every vehicle a different colour with the same detail format … each personal and a distinctive miss match.

…Birmingham airport Fire service ■■ what the hell has that to do with anything commercial…

Going by those colours it looks like they are getting ready to embrace the lovely Ms Sturgeon and the warm and charitable Mr Salmond if they managed to bully poor little Millibland into power! I could understand those colours in a nationalist Scotland but Birmingham!!! :laughing: :laughing:

too many old fashioned greens
but no doubt wrapped

Pulleyn’s normaly come out somewhere near the top on here for looks but the industry spurts seem to of overlooked them :open_mouth:

Hi everybody …did,nt realize the CM. still did that

Call me a cynic…
Premiers Mercedes - Nominated by someone from MBUK
Docksey’s Ivecos - Nominated by someone from Iveco
Fagan & Whalleys Daf - Nominated by someone from DAF
Marston Brewery’s Isuzu - Nominated by someone from Isuzu
Morrisons Renaults - Nominated by someone from Renault
Graham Pooles MANs - nominated by someone from MAN
Prestons Scania- nominated by someone from Scania

I’m not saying they’re not decent liveries and I did vote but it may have been a bit more credible if the publicity photo for was not just a blatant attempt at advertising the marque.

Only a few proper livers on there,the rest are just corporate stickers, :confused:

Gotta be honest, I like my mob’s livery - S&K. Voted for one though…

So, who won?

Captain Caveman 76:
So, who won?


Holy necro post Batman!