Must be depressing when you look at your life and see you’ve under achieved so much you’re doing a job that can be done by somebody with a 3rd of the IQ as a cabbage.
Guess I was spot on. “A third of the IQ as a cabbage” is nonsense. Do you actually talk like that in real life? Is this an attempt to come across as intelligent because if it is you’ve failed.
I drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us.
I thought I could write some [zb], but its a real honour to see a master of the art at work.
You may find it trivial but this is the reality of the risk you take when you flout the law. Its why some of us continually bang on about it despite people like Dieseldog etc calling us ■■■■■■■.
LOL. Almost every post of yours I read on here just screams ‘angry, self-opinionated little man. who walks around with a halo above his head.’
+2 to this
Especially in regards his opinion on anyone who works as anything other than a PAYE worker.
I drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us.
Hahaha, that old chestnut. Next you’ll be telling us in all seriousness you got the police to chalk off bays when you ran out of hours and were in the SAS. If I had a pound for every time I heard that, well, I’d have as much money as you pretend you have
IÂ drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us.
If I had a pound for every time I heard that old chestnut
Ha, I wrote the reply above before reading the rest of the post. Seems great, errr, I mean low IQ minds think alike!
There’s a easy answer too all this,just get a job with a company on a green light with vosa ,you can do what you want and get a cheery wave as you pass one of there checkpoints to boot .
I drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us.
Hahaha, that old chestnut. Next you’ll be telling us in all seriousness you got the police to chalk off bays when you ran out of hours and were in the SAS. If I had a pound for every time I heard that, well, I’d have as much money as you pretend you have
No, Conor’s statement seems totally reasonable to me. I drive a truck, I don’t need to, and I plan on driving it less and less over the years to come while I spend more and more time on my toy.
Nothing to do with getting the Police to cone off bays or being in the SAS, just lucky to have been in the job long enough to have earned and saved some money before the eastern Europeans ripped it to shreds. I expect you’d call that “racist”?
If the offences stated by the op are serious enough to be summond to court I’m wondering if there is more to this.
Iv been pulled before and had worse than the 2 minutes over and just got told to “keep a better eye on the clock driver” and let on my merry way.
Also if they are now court offences I should of been sent to jail years ago as I regular went all the way up to ten minutes over to get home on a Friday ,they would throw away the key
yorkshire terrier:
If the offences stated by the op are serious enough to be summond to court I’m wondering if there is more to this.
Iv been pulled before and had worse than the 2 minutes over and just got told to “keep a better eye on the clock driver” and let on my merry way.
Also if they are now court offences I should of been sent to jail years ago as I regular went all the way up to ten minutes over to get home on a Friday ,they would throw away the key
It’s the pulling the card one they are after him for, the other stuff is just to over egg the pudding.
Must be depressing when you look at your life and see you’ve under achieved so much you’re doing a job that can be done by somebody with a 3rd of the IQ as a cabbage.
Guess I was spot on. “A third of the IQ as a cabbage” is nonsense. Do you actually talk like that in real life? Is this an attempt to come across as intelligent because if it is you’ve failed…
Yes He does speak like that in real life, it was a real pain when we were kids
I drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us
Yawn Yawn Yawn, we all go to work to earn Money, now put your pants on, on the inside of your trousers this time
Two mins over…So what if it’s not a regular occurrence .
Pulling the card 2 mins late …So what.
Unless their is a sodding camera on the yard actually recording you and they have a copy.
"Someone else moved it around the yard ". With no card it could have been Lord Lucan or a shunter without a digi card for all you know !!! Where is their proof …or have you admitted it ? There is the question ?
yorkshire terrier:
If the offences stated by the op are serious enough to be summond to court I’m wondering if there is more to this.
Iv been pulled before and had worse than the 2 minutes over and just got told to “keep a better eye on the clock driver” and let on my merry way.
Also if they are now court offences I should of been sent to jail years ago as I regular went all the way up to ten minutes over to get home on a Friday ,they would throw away the key
OP has said loads of other drivers involved so it’s assumed all drivers are running bent so although the offences prosecuted seem trivial they will be easy to prove on the basis there’s much worse stuff that might be harder to make stand up in court. Bit like Al Capone and taxes thing.
Must be depressing when you look at your life and see you’ve under achieved so much you’re doing a job that can be done by somebody with a 3rd of the IQ as a cabbage.
Guess I was spot on. “A third of the IQ as a cabbage” is nonsense. Do you actually talk like that in real life? Is this an attempt to come across as intelligent because if it is you’ve failed…
Yes He does speak like that in real life, it was a real pain when we were kids
I drive trucks because I choose to, not because I have to. I drive for who I want and when I want because I don’t need to earn the money. What I earn from it pays for my toys. That’s the difference between us
Yawn Yawn Yawn, we all go to work to earn Money, now put your pants on, on the inside of your trousers this time
Not all,we’ve a fair few 65 + drivers who do it for the company,not 5 days a week ,1/2 on a casual basis ,
Sounds like a case that happened at a firm I used to work for. One driver got stoped by vosa and he had pulled the card about 10 minutes away from the yard after dealing with this they come to the yard and done a full audit and about ten drivers got done for various misdemeanours and things like two minutes here and there were added to the more serious charges like tipping and loading off the card etc.
Think those involved ended up with 5-600 quid fined and two or three week suspension of there vocational licence
The firm had public enquiry and had o licence cut.
Realy the guy needs to get advice from a specialist transport lawyer.
Isn’t what the OP describes, a lack of record keeping, and not creating a false record?
He hasn’t created anything, just not recorded time/lost printouts.
Not handing in the printout(s) will be failing to keep proper records but the pulling of the card is creating a false record.
As a driver working under the tacho regs you are required to keep a full record of your working day, that’s why there is a manual entry option. He pulled his card early and carried on working; even if it’s just a few minutes there has to be sone other work as he pulled it at the gate and presumably didn’t leave the truck there. Bit more driving, doesn’t matter it’s on private land it’s still part of a journey that was under EU regs so needs recording, and other work handing in paperwork and keys etc, possibly refuelling and clocking out. None of that was recorded therefore the record he created for that day us false as it did not accurately account for his working day.
All of which can fall into a grey area of the the issue being just an argument concerning ( legally ) ‘manually’ recorded ‘duty’ time at the limits of ‘driving’ time,with a removed chart/card from a vehicle that is being moved around in the yard by ‘others’.In which case the issue then turns into a question of proof beyond reasonable doubt that a chart/card was removed to falsify a ‘driving’ time record not a break/duty time one and in the real world an equal requirement on the driver to answer those questions to VOSA’s satisfaction ( IE guilty until proven innocent from VOSA’s point of view ).Bearing in mind that such an argument could quite easily end up with innocent drivers being prosecuted for a non existent driving hours offence and/or falsification going by the logic of confusing what is just an issue of driving time record with that of break or duty.
IE ‘driving’ time ‘has’ to be recorded on the chart/card by the vehicle’s tacho,whereas breaks or duty time doesn’t. At least in the case of a vehicle that is possibly being moved around off road by anyone other than the driver in question who has reached the driving time limit.
In which case why would breaks or any work done away from the vehicle of whatever type, in those circumstances,result in any issues concerning a pulled card/chart so long as a manual entry regarding break and/or duty has been made.
You may find it trivial but this is the reality of the risk you take when you flout the law. Its why some of us continually bang on about it despite people like Dieseldog etc calling us ■■■■■■■.
LOL. Almost every post of yours I read on here just screams ‘angry, self-opinionated little man. who walks around with a halo above his head.’
+2 to this
Especially in regards his opinion on anyone who works as anything other than a PAYE worker.
Some of you are seriously funny, never thought of being a comedian?
I on the other hand, regard Conor as a top poster, and value his posts highly.
There are a few posters that posts valuable posts in my view, and I always read them with interest.
One of them hasn’t posted for a while, but after the response he got to his lasts posts, I’m not surprised he’s given up.
At least when he posts , you can learn something useful, see things from a different angle.
These posts produced by some of you only confirm my observations, lorry driving industry is mostly for idiots, and to fit in well, you need to be an idiot. No wonder lorry drivers are treated as such.
You have a few that tell you as it is, try to point to you what you do wrong, and they instantly become enemies of every stupid lorry driver out there.
I had worked in other industries before becoming a lorry driver but have never seen workers being treated so poorly as lorry drivers are.
but, as the saying goes, lorry drivers are their worst enemies and it is so very true.
If you are not stupid enough , you can not be a proper, valuable, lorry driver, and if you dare to think on your own, and do do as other lorry drivers do, you are not a valuable employee to any transportation company.
Stupidity, lack of knowledge of all rules and regulations, the law, allowing yourself to be bullied by transport managers, in this industry is very highly regarded. If you meet all these requirements, you basically are guaranteed a driving job in your average haulage company.
Conor, don’t give up on posting , there are plenty of us who value highly your opinions, and don’t even worry about what some low lives think of you.