Vosa summons to court

I remember that he popped up on expats too, telling us how crap our jobs were and all the rest of the blah blah blah that the haters throw out there.

Very strange that someone that knows SFA about any of us personally can have so many opinions about how we live.


Which brings me to my point when some one passes a LGV test surely they should be issued with a simplified version of the rules and regulations that they can carry with them. It’s been eleven years since I passed my test but I can remember it being hard to work out what was myth and what was right.

I think that’s the whole point though. The regulations in the EU are unnecessarily complicated, just compare them to any other drivers/workings hours regulations that truck driver have to adhere to elsewhere in the world. Even the electronic logs that are becoming ever more common in North America are a world away from the digital tacho’s of Europe. The elogs are designed to give the driver all the info he needs so that he doesn’t ■■■■ up, all times are clearly listed and tick down on a counter type thing so that innocent mistakes are not made. How much driving time does a driver have on his US 11hrs drive? a click of a button will give you the answer in hours, minutes and seconds. How about 14hr spread over? the same button will do that. What if the driver is unsure how much time he has left on his 70 hours in 8 days rolling count? yep, click the same button and it appears in simple plain English. At no point is a driver left wondering whether he can drive or not, its absolutely fool proof. A digital tacho is 100 times less user friendly and can take considerable time to work out whats what, yet if you have the audacity to make the smallest mistake, the time it takes for a kettle to boil for example, it immediately records it for all to see with absolutely no lee way for human error, leaving the driver confused and panicking for his home and livelihood and taking to Trucknet for advice and reassurance, only to often find scorn, patronising comments and wagging fingers from corporate clones who have never had to think outside of the box, let alone driver outside of it in their world of set day runs, route cards and de-briefings at the end of each little trip they condescend to make

