travelling down the A1 yesterday, I was directed into a layby just north of berwick by 2 policemen .in there were 3 trucks and about the same number of vans, vosa were busy doing what vosa do so I sat in the pick up and waited to be seen.after about 10-15 mins one of the vosa guys walks towards me and says "that’s a private plate mate,away you go " W.T.F. was that all about ■■? does having a private reg plate make you exempt from inspections ■■
Usless ■■■■■ proably thought you were a private individual not a working man!!!
Brucy bonus, don’t knock it
Probably pulling johnny foreigners and the one who stopped you thought it was a foreign reg at first, then checked it on the system and you came up kosher UK green lit.
Probably pulling johnny foreigners and the one who stopped you thought it was a foreign reg at first, then checked it on the system and you came up kosher UK green lit.
Ooooo, hadn’t looked at it like that.
Probably pulling johnny foreigners and the one who stopped you thought it was a foreign reg at first, then checked it on the system and you came up kosher UK green lit.Ooooo, hadn’t looked at it like that.
Or they was unsure of the age of the vehicle!
Would I be right in guessing your number plate has 3 letters followed by 3 or 4 numbers.
one of mine had a private plate, 2 letters, 4 numbers, got pulled at Risby, VOSA man said he was pulled because the reg looked like a paddy plate
Would I be right in guessing your number plate has 3 letters followed by 3 or 4 numbersone letter,three numbers ,three letters , the last three being the gaffers initials. I can understand the reply that it may have been a “private vehicle” . good job I wasn’t wearing my hi-viz due to the sunny weather (between the showers).
On of our lads (ex work m8 as from now) he has a private plat which says 04 is actuall 10 reg Vosa pull him regular thinking it is 04 reg
Just an English looking plate so you weren’t confused for a N. Irish driver, unless you had a checked shirt on.
It’s probably an age thing where the moron in the car thought your truck was as old as the registration. Most VOSA wouldn’t know the difference between a 1 year old truck and a 20 year old truck with fresh paint.