I posted on a different thread about losing a contract to a foreign firm, we were running fronm Bicester to Pristina in Kosovo. they started taking over a few weeks before the contract ended,. I loaded in Bicester at the same time as a foreigner for the same place.and we left together from MOD Bicester. when I arrived in Pristina THe foreigner had been there tw o days previous tipped , and left, I had run dead straight, not taking any extra time off . when I reported this to VOSA they came to my firm to check tacho.s etc.not the one that had obviously run bent.


:smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

A few years back I saw a red fh12, pre V reg, picking up a speed cargo tilt in Tilbury when the zebe ferry first opened. It didn’t have anything displayed in the window and didn’t even have a reg plate on it :exclamation: Needless to say he didn’t put a plate on the trailer. About an hour later he passed me on the 25 doing at least 70 on the flat. I could sell my car and buy a 5 grand unit and do the same, but that’s not fair to the lads the spend upwards of twenty grand to start up a business. Sort your act out vosa :exclamation:

I have cut and pasted this from the old board.

If you want to report a vehicle for running without an O’licence or for any other offence you can phone this hotline.

You do not have to leave your name or number if you would rather not


As promised guys her is the national hotline number to call if you see an unlicensed truck working.This number puts you through to the VI inteligence unit who,I am assured, will take your call in strictest confidence and if you so wish anonymously.The more info you can supply the better.
0870 60 60 440
I have just tried to call this number because I forgot to ask earlier if this was a twenty four hour number or not…you will never guess!!!..yep they can’t take my call at the moment due to technical difficulties…someone forgot to switch the answer phone on I expect.
when you call this number you will get five options[surprise surprise] option four should [if your lucky ] get you through to the inteligence unit.
If you do try this number let us know if you manage to get through,you can e-mail me if you would prefer,it would be nice to know that the system works

The VI newsletter - Moving on ( Nov 2001)
listed the following numbers as well as the national hotline number.

National Intelligence Co-ordinator- Phil Stokes, 0117 954 3336

Intelligence Officers;-

Scotland - Vic Grant 0131 244 6520
North West - Mike Power 0161 947 1050
North East- Tracey Collins 01937 844724
South Wales and West Midlands -
Nigel Wright 01452 382781
Eastern - David Templeman 01536 513621
South Eastern- Gordon Richardson 01903 767593
Western - Ian Gould 01722 414131

What on earth would you shop some one to VOSA for . they are the enemy in road haulage

Like all organisations VOSA has its fair share of power crazy [zb] who wouldn’t know a truck if it run over them, they are not all bad but unfortunately they will all be eventually due to the way the organisation wants it run. There is no longer any opportunity for officers to use their discretion or common sense and they are all measured on the amount of points they gain, leading to over zealous and unfair prohibitions being issued without regard for the effect on the compliance scoring of the operator. Local decisions can also lead to some operators being targeted as “easy pickings” (e.g. waiting along the road from a tip and hitting all the eight wheelers for ripped tyres) because of the pressure to gain results. The hotline is switched off at certain times to “encourage” the public to go online, remember the good old days when you could call your local test station directly and book a test, or speak to an enforcement officer, all calls are now directed to a call centre in Swansea and passed along, even VOSA officers do not have direct numbers to some test stations! stop worrying about missing spray flaps and flags in the window do something about cabotage and foreign operators working in the uk for nothing, not that the haulage business is on its knees or anything! I am not bitter though! watch this space!

I have cut and pasted this from the old board.

If you want to report a vehicle for running without an O’licence or for any other offence you can phone this hotline.

You do not have to leave your name or number if you would rather not


As promised guys her is the national hotline number to call if you see an unlicensed truck working.This number puts you through to the VI inteligence unit who,I am assured, will take your call in strictest confidence and if you so wish anonymously.The more info you can supply the better.
0870 60 60 440
I have just tried to call this number because I forgot to ask earlier if this was a twenty four hour number or not…you will never guess!!!..yep they can’t take my call at the moment due to technical difficulties…someone forgot to switch the answer phone on I expect.
when you call this number you will get five options[surprise surprise] option four should [if your lucky ] get you through to the inteligence unit.
If you do try this number let us know if you manage to get through,you can e-mail me if you would prefer,it would be nice to know that the system works

The VI newsletter - Moving on ( Nov 2001)
listed the following numbers as well as the national hotline number.

National Intelligence Co-ordinator- Phil Stokes, 0117 954 3336

Intelligence Officers;-

Scotland - Vic Grant 0131 244 6520
North West - Mike Power 0161 947 1050
North East- Tracey Collins 01937 844724
South Wales and West Midlands -
Nigel Wright 01452 382781
Eastern - David Templeman 01536 513621
South Eastern- Gordon Richardson 01903 767593
Western - Ian Gould 01722 414131

Good on you mate. Get the cowboys off the roads.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

While Vosa and the Gov allow certain Ltd firms to sell there trucks and business back to themselves for a mere fraction of its real value and then put the original company into administration leaving lots of people in the brown stuff and some to lose their home just because they supplied a company with goods and or services, will I give a toss about someone without an O licence? Not likely, he’s not half the crook as those who allow this to happen.
UK ltd’s attitude seems to be that as long as you pay the tax man, the rest can be crippled and we’ll let you do it all again next week.
Maybe if they stopped blaming drivers for illegals climbing into your truck on a ferry where you have no right to protect it, or started charging foreign trucks who are pinching our work some kind of UK road tax they could be taken seriously!
But no, all they want is for us to do their job for them. The job they are paid to do!
Vosa, Immigration, Police, HMRC and the NHS are all being paid to do jobs that they fail at miserably.

u’d have to be lower than a snakes belly to be calling VOSA to grass someone up! they get paid enough to do the job without some sneaky ■■■■ helping them out!

u’d have to be lower than a snakes belly to be calling VOSA to grass someone up! they get paid enough to do the job without some sneaky [zb] helping them out!

I totaly Agree with you mate!! I dont know how these people sleep at night!!

Lots of good comments, but we used to be a human world. I have had idots with grudges against us. Reporting us to county Planning, Business Rates, I hope they dont read this cuz i expect this will be next. We operate 100% legal. So something else for people to say about us now GREAT :angry:

I work for a small firm which only has 5 trucks. The boss tries to keep everything legal and above board and tells us drivers to do the same.

VOSA are all over the place these days but can still be avoided. I say if somebody is illegal they are probably unsafe so why not bubble them?

If a truck with no brakes being run illegally took out a bus full of school kids would you be able live with yourself because at least you didn’t grass?

Well i for one have got no time for the vosa bully boys , if the government needs to cut wages then get rid of them. there is no other industry where you get persecuted like ours.

Why should select few people be allowed to get away without paying for a o’license?! Its an insult to all of those people who do bother.

Why would you want to? The bloke is just trying to earn a living.

because operators who run bent are putting other legititmate operators at risk and threatening their livliehoods thats why. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


I am all for dealing legally with “O” licence dodgers etc. but to ask other drivers / companies to report illegal operators etc. is in my opinion a disgraceful state of affairs as all bona fide companies have to pay for the “services” of the VOSA so the answer is simple " EMPLOY MORE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS" :confused: :angry: to ensure compliance and don,t expect other drivers / companies to do it for them FOC:shock:

Remember M. Thatcher was the one who introduced the 15 hr “working day” and at the same time REDUCED the staff at the VOSA (then the “Traffic Commissioners”) :imp:

As one thread says you might find yourself on the receiving end of a violent response should the “operator” mistakenly find out who you are! :imp:

Ad Infinitum

I already work as the front line of the Immigration office, so what is wrong with becoming a VOSA officer as well :unamused: next will come fines for not spotting them

This country is full of officers. You won’t find this density of officers on the continent. And yet they don’t seem to have problems with it.
I wouldn’t denounce anyone to an authority. Don’t want to live in such a culture. Doesn’t match my idea of freedom and self responsibility.
I’d speak to the driver if I see him. Maybe the disc just fell off and no real offence has been done.

As for the 0870 number: They are rip off especially from mobiles. There are normal landlines on the net, they are part of your free minutes. And actually VOSA should have switched to an 0300 number.



Why would you want to? The bloke is just trying to earn a living.

because operators who run bent are putting other legititmate operators at risk and threatening their livliehoods thats why. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

how’s that then?
they charge more money for jobs that can’t be done legally.

I’m generally not a grass, but if I’d have known about this number about 6 months ago I’d have definately rang it.

I got a job to attend a Bulgarian trailer, the fault given as air leak from brake chamber.
Got on scene in the service van, and as described the OSR chamber was leaking badly. The worrying part was, this was the only chamber connected, the other 5 were wound off with the pipes disconnected and tywrapped up :open_mouth: . And it was obvious they’d been like that for some time. The only reason I’d been called is that there was no wind-off tool on this chamber so the driver couldn’t wind it off and keep going.
Worse, the trailer was fully loaded, driver said 26 tons. In hindsight this was probably overloaded anyway for a 2 axle tractor and 40’ tilt.
On top of that 2 tyres (them 445 wide tyres) were down to the wires and another had the tread detatched so much that I could get my fingers under the tread, and another had a massive bleb on the sidewall.
Whilst fitting the chamber I spotted another airpipe that was detatched and tywrapped over, it was an airbag pipe, the bag was split.

It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, its wrong and it wants stamping on!

I’m generally not a grass, but if I’d have known about this number about 6 months ago I’d have definately rang it.

I got a job to attend a Bulgarian trailer, the fault given as air leak from brake chamber.
Got on scene in the service van, and as described the OSR chamber was leaking badly. The worrying part was, this was the only chamber connected, the other 5 were wound off with the pipes disconnected and tywrapped up :open_mouth: . And it was obvious they’d been like that for some time. The only reason I’d been called is that there was no wind-off tool on this chamber so the driver couldn’t wind it off and keep going.
Worse, the trailer was fully loaded, driver said 26 tons. In hindsight this was probably overloaded anyway for a 2 axle tractor and 40’ tilt.
On top of that 2 tyres (them 445 wide tyres) were down to the wires and another had the tread detatched so much that I could get my fingers under the tread, and another had a massive bleb on the sidewall.
Whilst fitting the chamber I spotted another airpipe that was detatched and tywrapped over, it was an airbag pipe, the bag was split.

It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, its wrong and it wants stamping on!

I think in this case you would be warranted to make that call, if you bill them for a call out / repair and they have an accident 10 minutes up the road, they are certainly going to blame you.

But I strongly disagree about disgruntled drivers ringing it and not even leaving a name and contact number