I’ve thought of a brilliant slogan for them- “Don’t sit on your arse, phone up and grass!”
The only people who should be grassed up are nonse cases and child abusers and muggers . How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .
Do you think that grassing people to Vosa will win you any favours when one day You are pulled up and nicked for some trivial reason.
And before you start to assume I run illegally , I have an O licence and run legally but am sick of Vosa’s persecution of what are in the main a decent lot of hard working blokes just trying to scratch a living.
u’d have to be lower than a snakes belly to be calling VOSA to grass someone up! they get paid enough to do the job without some sneaky [zb] helping them out!
We pay thease [zb] and they want us to grass up ,This is not the USSR
I’m generally not a grass, but if I’d have known about this number about 6 months ago I’d have definately rang it.I got a job to attend a Bulgarian trailer, the fault given as air leak from brake chamber.
Got on scene in the service van, and as described the OSR chamber was leaking badly. The worrying part was, this was the only chamber connected, the other 5 were wound off with the pipes disconnected and tywrapped up. And it was obvious they’d been like that for some time. The only reason I’d been called is that there was no wind-off tool on this chamber so the driver couldn’t wind it off and keep going.
Worse, the trailer was fully loaded, driver said 26 tons. In hindsight this was probably overloaded anyway for a 2 axle tractor and 40’ tilt.
On top of that 2 tyres (them 445 wide tyres) were down to the wires and another had the tread detatched so much that I could get my fingers under the tread, and another had a massive bleb on the sidewall.
Whilst fitting the chamber I spotted another airpipe that was detatched and tywrapped over, it was an airbag pipe, the bag was split.It doesn’t matter which way you look at it, its wrong and it wants stamping on!
[zb][zb]zb] . do what we did put the [zb] hot gun through it
wont go no where then
just think , we had very few from over the water in our country,because our haulage did it right , but our goverment taxed us out ,now we have the crap of europe over here , today i had to wake up a LT driver ,parked at the side of a small road, and get him to shut his rear door ,as it was swinging into the road ,the amount of diffrent words i tryed ,
what a load of [zb]they send over here,
duch beljeeks , loved running with them.
The only people who should be grassed up are nonse cases and child abusers and muggers . How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .Do you think that grassing people to Vosa will win you any favours when one day You are pulled up and nicked for some trivial reason.
And before you start to assume I run illegally , I have an O licence and run legally but am sick of Vosa’s persecution of what are in the main a decent lot of hard working blokes just trying to scratch a living.
would your feelings be the same if a illegally run out fit was taking your work, i my self think vosa do a good job keeping the cowboy away, and perhaps could do more. when you price for work most of the costs are the same for everyone so when someone cuts the rate alot you know it cant be done.
The only people who should be grassed up are nonse cases and child abusers and muggers . How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .Do you think that grassing people to Vosa will win you any favours when one day You are pulled up and nicked for some trivial reason.
And before you start to assume I run illegally , I have an O licence and run legally but am sick of Vosa’s persecution of what are in the main a decent lot of hard working blokes just trying to scratch a living.
would your feelings be the same if a illegally run out fit was taking your work,
i my self think vosa do a good job keeping the cowboy away, and perhaps could do more. when you price for work most of the costs are the same for everyone so when someone cuts the rate alot you know it cant be done.
i hate to see my money wasted 4x4s running up and down stopping any lorry that looks old ,our famly has been in haulage for over 100 years ,my brother ran T and V reg just a few years ago befor he passed away ,his lorrys where stopped somany times that he told vosa that he did not need to service them as VOSA did it for him.
in 60s 1930/40 where still running
not ten year old lorry but 30 plus years old
so much money is wasted today on
How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .
If they’re earning an honest living there isn’t going to be anything to grass them up about is there? It’s the ones breaking the rules who need grassing up.
How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .If they’re earning an honest living there isn’t going to be anything to grass them up about is there? It’s the ones breaking the rules who need grassing up.
If they’re earning an honest living there isn’t going to be anything to grass them up about is there?
you got that wrong ,if some transport company wants a job that another has , then they grass ,
come on ,if a transport company is makeing a job of it with old lorrys and safe within the law and little debt,
and you get a bling company wanting to make a show and is up to its eyeballs in debt , then that is when you get the grass,
its called GREED
How can fellow drivers even think of grassing people who are just trying to earn an honest living .If they’re earning an honest living there isn’t going to be anything to grass them up about is there? It’s the ones breaking the rules who need grassing up.
If they’re earning an honest living there isn’t going to be anything to grass them up about is there?
you got that wrong ,if some transport company wants a job that another has , then they grass ,
come on ,if a transport company is makeing a job of it with old lorrys and safe within the law and little debt,
and you get a bling company wanting to make a show and is up to its eyeballs in debt , then that is when you get the grass,
its called GREED
nowt left for our lads to brake the rules now , its the ones from over the water that do it now
i suppose identifying yourself would be better unless of course the operator that you are reporting loses his o licence and is a thoroughly nasty piece of work - finds out who you are due to a clerical error in vosa or somewhere else and decides to drop around your house in the early hours of the morning and throw a couple of bricks through the front window.
perhaps vosa could offer people encouragement to report bad operators who are breaking the law by having a free phone number instead of a number with a call cost that can be varied.
Reading some of the comments dating back to 2009 I wonder what the views are now of those who said it is a disgrace to report a bent operator.
It’s the these muppets who have the industry the way it is, if there breaking the law you can be sure their not paying their drivers properly, and making them work excessive hours, probably even as far as asking them to use objects to enable them to run legal.
I am an Irish driver and let me tell you I’m glad the days of running 20 hours with 4 hours sleep and away again are over. There was times you’d be approaching a check point and be hoping they’d pull you in just so you could get some sleep.
The industry in Ireland is ruined by such operators and believe me there not small fish, one in particular has in excess of 200 trucks. Said operator is under investigation now in the UK and Ireland, and good luck to them (Vosa) (rsa) I hope they throw the book at them.
In a nutshell, if I were driving down the road tomorrow and knew the guy in front of me was driving bent or his employer wasn’t running legal, would I report him? Yes.
For those who question this ask yourselves
If you we’re behind a car and it was weaving all over the road, what would you do?
Now you’ve answered it, ask yourselves what’s the difference?
For those who question this ask yourselves
If you we’re behind a car and it was weaving all over the road, what would you do?
get the hell out of there.been there done that ,cost me hours not many bent runners now , our eddy has put a stop to that
Now you’ve answered it, ask yourselves what’s the difference?
For those who question this ask yourselves
If you we’re behind a car and it was weaving all over the road, what would you do?
get the hell out of there.been there done that ,cost me hours not many bent runners now , our eddy has put a stop to that
Now you’ve answered it, ask yourselves what’s the difference?
grass no i just want my life back,
duck and dive is called living .
running by the law that is the goverments way of living. it is the next to the USSR
and they dont want it too
Hi there.
Pretty confused by all the terminology on this site as im passing through only really. You seem to be involved in the monitoring of legalities regarding trucking. I wondered if you could check out my newly posted thread “I Desparately seeking advice” (should be i’m…). I have a big problem regarding HGV regsitered 5.5t panel van & the insurance scenario. I would be gratefull if you could advise by leaving a reply although I understand it could be seen as a pain in the backside. Thanks, Richard
edit to add…infact if anyone can advise it would be appreciated as currently I have no transport to get to work as im not prepared to take a gamble
The amount of time,s seen NOL** wagon s more on the hard shoulder than the motorway,fish tailing in and out
like a yoyo
is countless!!!BUT report it to vosa ,no chance.
I would rather stick pins in me eyes than become a grass!
how about the likes of riichard long bv
I would rather stick pins in me eyes than become a grass!how about the likes of riichard long bv
lorry drivers not grass , we worked hard not just for gaffer but for our country, think them days have gone wonder how many drivers from the past can say I am a lorry driver bent the rules and still around today ,
I for one can say that ,have seen what the poor driver has done , picked up the bits
21 year old ,6 legger, 5 docks Liverpool and a pr of boots for my birthday and a load of flour home ,.vac brakes and no power steering ,sleeping over bonet ,never had to pay for a test ,if you did not like it you did not do it
I have cut and pasted this from the old board.
If you want to report a vehicle for running without an O’licence or for any other offence you can phone this hotline.
You do not have to leave your name or number if you would rather not
As promised guys her is the national hotline number to call if you see an unlicensed truck working.This number puts you through to the VI inteligence unit who,I am assured, will take your call in strictest confidence and if you so wish anonymously.The more info you can supply the better.
0870 60 60 440
I have just tried to call this number because I forgot to ask earlier if this was a twenty four hour number or not…you will never guess!!!..yep they can’t take my call at the moment due to technical difficulties…someone forgot to switch the answer phone on I expect.
when you call this number you will get five options[surprise surprise] option four should [if your lucky ] get you through to the inteligence unit.
If you do try this number let us know if you manage to get through,you can e-mail me if you would prefer,it would be nice to know that the system works
The VI newsletter - Moving on ( Nov 2001)
listed the following numbers as well as the national hotline number.
National Intelligence Co-ordinator- Phil Stokes, 0117 954 3336
Intelligence Officers;-
Scotland - Vic Grant 0131 244 6520
North West - Mike Power 0161 947 1050
North East- Tracey Collins 01937 844724
South Wales and West Midlands -
Nigel Wright 01452 382781
Eastern - David Templeman 01536 513621
South Eastern- Gordon Richardson 01903 767593
Western - Ian Gould 01722 414131
You could always go to VI’s Web site www.via.gov.uk In contacts there are all the e-mail addresses and contact details for all IU Officers.
The more info they get the better or so I am TOLD.
Best of luck with this lot.
I am all for dealing legally with “O” licence dodgers etc. but to ask other drivers / companies to report illegal operators etc. is in my opinion a disgraceful state of affairs as all bona fide companies have to pay for the “services” of the VOSA so the answer is simple " EMPLOY MORE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS"
to ensure compliance and don,t expect other drivers / companies to do it for them FOC:shock:
Remember M. Thatcher was the one who introduced the 15 hr “working day” and at the same time REDUCED the staff at the VOSA (then the “Traffic Commissioners”)
As one thread says you might find yourself on the receiving end of a violent response should the “operator” mistakenly find out who you are!
Ad Infinitum