Vosa and Mirrors

I know a driver that’s received a £50 FPN each side while carrying a wide load 3.5mtr

mr vosa said he could not see down either side and put a stop on him moving until extra mirrors were fixed to his vehicle

I cant find where in law it says you have to have extra wide mirrors if carrying wide loads

Mr Vosa said section 3 and 5 but I cant find anything ■■?

I though mirror issues were the remit of plod - perhaps I am mistaken and its in C&U regs and not RTA ■■

I have asked a mate at Traffic Plod

he said they go to VOSA for advice

the vosa man got us at a service station on rest waiting for rush hour to end
we was not even on the road

and are looking to fight

2 drivers got £50 per side per unit £200 total

Towing mirrors

You must have an adequate view of the road behind you. If your caravan or trailer is wider than the rear of the towing vehicle, you may need to fit suitable towing mirrors.

If you tow without proper towing mirrors you can be:
prosecuted by the police
given 3 points on your licence
fined up to £1,000


transportsfriend.org/road/mirrors.html = explains all you need too know me thinks

So I then take it if we are 5mtrs wide we would need to fit ( towing mirrors ) that would enable us to see down the side of the load

Have you ever seen mirrors on 5ft poles

these are more dangerous than the wide load ■■? as we could not make secure they would fold when we hit the road

and yes we had an ■■■■■■ vehicle behind front vehicle had a second man

So I then take it if we are 5mtrs wide we would need to fit ( towing mirrors ) that would enable us to see down the side of the load

Have you ever seen mirrors on 5ft poles

these are more dangerous than the wide load ■■? as we could not make secure they would fold when we hit the road

and yes we had an ■■■■■■ vehicle behind front vehicle had a second man

What about mirrors that see under the load like they do for wide caravan/mobile home transport = those do the job ok

A picture of the load on the vehicle would have helped here

Mr vosa can’t do squat. You were interrupted whilst on break.

You had a 2nd man as a guide and also a pilot car… if you fight it get a lawyer then a barrister and clean vosa of their funds and make sure their splashed in every newspaper …

why would you drive around without being able to see behind you?

and you were not 5 meters wide.

when your wide load is bigger than you .

we had 3.5 mtrs wide load on