S.Killingholme yesterday.
my old mans volvo fh
my old mans volvo fh
well tidy but then ive seen your fm about as well and that looks good as well.
jessicas dad:
my old mans volvo fh
well tidy but then ive seen your fm about as well and that looks good as well.
i do try to keep it tidy haha! although i would prefer an FH for the extra space
paul roberts FH from sheffield lovely motor!
various old simon gibson motors for sale on net i take it there replacing some older ones?? seen that fh16 on moodys website still looks tidy.
Lovely wagon that goaty,a real credit to you,but ffs don’t let Bewick see that you’ve roped over your fly
went on a short run with a mate of mine, heres his motor…
very tidy version 1 FH, it shifts aswell lol
link to the gallery in my new website.
i did a couple of months for these, took 2-3 weeks to get the alloys polished up from no shine at all to these