
Why has vince had his posting rights suspended?

Vince has had his posting rights suspended for breaking the rules.

Which rule?

mr,s mix this is a post from some one who belives that freedom of speech is right and hopes that you have not stopped Vinces rights
because of our misunderstanding, as i have not made any complaint
to any one else at the time only to vince and he replied with a answer
that explained why he wrote the sentence.
And so why not let him back on please

Brit Pete you have a p.m.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

mrs mix:
Vince has had his posting rights suspended for breaking the rules.

This all seems a bit harsh. I do not know the reasons, nor do I want to know how Vince broke the rules. If it was one mis-discrection a WARNING surely would have sufficed. From what I have seen Vince normally has helpful advice for all. Lets all get on and forget the past but let it be a lesson to us all.


Vince broke the rules he can come back as and when either Rikki or Lucy receive written conformation that he will abide by the rules the same as we would expect from anyone until that happens he stay’s suspended end of story


Site Admin

I guess the mods have a job to do and rules is rules etc etc. I’m sure common sense and a realistic element of flexibility will prevail!! :wink:

I definately hope that Vince is back soon and it is just a case of a misunderstanding which is easily cleared up.

What is going on here? Have I missed something? If I have and there is an official announcement somewhere, will someone direct me to it please?
If not, why not?

I must admit to more than a little unease about the veil of secrecy which descends on such matters. This is not the first time.

Salut, David.

Ah! I think I have sussed the offending post now.
Weds 30th at 10.20pm.

Fine way to practice free speech!

Stop treating us like children.

Salut, David.

He broke rule 15

thread locked


Site Admin