Very lucky driver

Made me jump too…and i ducked and moved to the left…and nearly fell off my chair :smiley: :smiley:

WHY is truck camera showing 2014 dates

what difference does the date make? seems clear to me that it happened

ok…own up…apart from myself,how many ducked… :confused:

Not only did I duck, I also swerved left.

tommy t:

I can safely say if that was me driving I’d need a change of underpants!

I hope the ■■■■ driving the van needed more than that, was securing the load too much trouble for him? Sue the ■■■■■■■■ of them!!!

Sue who? Looked like a ■■■■■ to me :frowning:

Driver from Salford.

“also managed to bring the lorry to a standstill before careering onto a roundabout”.

I suppose he can be forgiven, given the shock. That photo’s possibly even worse than the video.