Very lucky driver

Was just about to pick up a cup of tea when the pickup came around the roundabout, glad I never quite made it as it made me jump :slight_smile:
One very lucky driver, hope he was ok.

That made me duck!!

I thought the vid was about the cyclists that were actually using the cycle lanes!! :open_mouth: :grimacing:

takes you by surprise,made me jump cos I was concentrating on it so much

Bet he’ll get some zb off his employer for that, even though it’s clearly not his/her fault.

Why would he get grief from his employer?

A very strange comment indeed!


Bet he’ll get some zb off his employer for that, even though it’s clearly not his/her fault.

Why would he get grief from his employer?

A very strange comment indeed!

Pimpdaddy is strange :wink: :wink:

Why would he get grief from his employer?

A very strange comment indeed!

Because that’s what they do, you’re always seen as guilty being a truck driver, nothing strange in that comment because it’s fact!!

tango boy:
Pimpdaddy is strange :wink: :wink:

No he isn’t [emoji16]


Why would he get grief from his employer?

A very strange comment indeed!

Because that’s what they do, you’re always seen as guilty being a truck driver, nothing strange in that comment because it’s fact!!

tango boy:
Pimpdaddy is strange :wink: :wink:

No he isn’t [emoji16]

Oh yes he is :laughing: tis nearly panto season :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Shrewsbury that

Telford Way if I’m not mistaken.


yes shrewsbury, at the roundabout just before the morrisons store.

driver was fine just a bit shook up, he ducked just in time, van driver thought he had killed him. I think it happened last Friday, I believe there are some photos of how bad the truck ended up, so if I can I’ll try and upload them. Company went out and picked him up, not seen him to speak to him personally yet though. it just goes to show that ANYTHING can happen out there, no matter how careful we are.

tango boy:
Oh yes he is :laughing: tis nearly panto season :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Really, wtf is panto anyway■■?


tango boy:
Oh yes he is :laughing: tis nearly panto season :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Really, wtf is panto anyway■■?

Panto, you know, he’s behind you, oh no he aint oh yes he is Really wtf :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:
wtf :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Exactly, WTF…■■?

tango boy:


tango boy:
Oh yes he is :laughing: tis nearly panto season :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Really, wtf is panto anyway■■?

Panto, you know, he’s behind you, oh no he aint oh yes he is Really wtf :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now now, don’t tease the patients in the asylum. Doctors orders.

Jeez, like truckman I was concentrating so hard I actually ducked, that’s some scary stuff!! Shouldn’t have watched that before bed!!

Very glad driver is OK.

Yikes - just proves that you can be the best driver in the world, but some idiot can still wipe you out. Like several here, I ducked sideways when I saw that after expecting something to happen in the distance. Proves that forward facing cameras are worth their weight in gold…as long as you live to survive!

Glad the driver managed to duck out the way.

ok…own up…apart from myself,how many ducked… :confused:

Sounded like a iron girder or something. Would like to see the mess this left behind.

yup, involuntary mallard and sphincter twitch here :blush:

Made me jump!

Codge123 I think it would be a good idea to let us all know if the driver is OK. It was sicking to hear the smash followed by silence.

Codge123 I think it would be a good idea to let us all know if the driver is OK. It was sicking to hear the smash followed by silence.

Soz just read he is OK, still getting use to this bloody phone !