Vatican City

Traveling is so easy nowadays… One button press and you are in Vatican…

Today I took a wrong turn after few miles I ended up in California…


Traveling is so easy nowadays… One button press and you are in Vatican…

Today I took a wrong turn after few miles I ended up in California…


Thats about 5 miles from my house!

Should have popped in and we could have had some bread and wine I stole from the Vatican!

So let me get this right, the Pope gets his bread from ASDA :confused: .
Where does he get his wine from ODDBIN’S :laughing: .
O.K. Hat, coat and Popemobile :blush: .

keeping it on topic of trucks…thats a big sleeper cab…

this popemobile is now a in the transport museum in leyand…got a picture somewhere of it but cant find it so this borrowed of the net…

the pope must be eating too many pies - whats with the extra axle it must weigh a lot :open_mouth: