That’s the best uk site to buy from, the sellers on eBay aren’t trust worthy in my opinion. The myepack site has cheap good quality products and great after service if it’s required. Also cheap delivery to.
Go to all about e cigs forum and have a read about juices plenty of good quality made to order nic free juice from excellent vendors on there again, the stuff on eBay is most likely cheap Chinese crap that’s bought in bulk with no genuine way of knowing what you’re buying.
Can also make your own and it’s even cheaper
Agreed re the liqiud from Ebay and also from local outdoor markets/ boot sales etc.
I only used the links to Ebay for ease of passing info…not recommendation.
just been to my suppliers for more liquids and found info about this.
All you vapers may wish to sign it.
They need 1 million signatures by November, the quota of signatures from the UK is 54,750 with the rest coming from across the EU
I have no objections to anyone smoking an E-cig just the same way as a “normal” cig, the only real objection I have is if you sit at the side of me and smoke it, especially if we where sat inside an RDC waiting room. I`d definitely (politely) ask you not to smoke it while your sat next to me, & suggest that you walk outside to smoke it where no one would object.
I’ve gone onto a vaper after 40 years of smoking. The present Mrs. Sidevalve is asthmatic, has never smoked and will not go within 10 yards of me if I’m smoking a “normal” cigarette; the slightest whiff of ciggy smoke sends her into a fit of coughing. She is quite happy for me to use the vaper even when sitting right next to her in the car. I asked her if she could smell anything and she said no, and even if the “smoke” drifts across to her side it doesn’t affect her.
And after a month I still don’t want a cigarette. That may, however, change when I get to a bike rally next month.
I use the stealth mode vap, we have a fella at work who is an ex smoker and my god its like the smoking police sent him he is hell bent on causing people trouble, he complained to the tm that the truck he was in smelt fruity!!! Then he saw me at the rdc vapping outside the entrance while sat on kerb, when he spoke to me gave me the whole you need to quit that it will kill you, i just laughed and said getting out of bed could kill me. Iv been ■■■ free since jan from 25 a day saved dosh etc but my mrs still smokes not many anymore and at times i do say love u stink, but id never go hell bent like this bloke. Its up the the person if they smoke drink stand on there head i just hate ex smokers who fair play quite and stop but then go on a mission to have ago at every smoker they come across.
I am what you would call a advanced vaper, long gone past all the ecigs etc I’m now on fully customisable quad coil mechanical mod style vaping and trust me when I say this thing chucks clouds,
Even though vaping is getting more and more popular there seems to be a lot of bad press,
Anyone would think the goverment are loosing taxes with the amount of horror stories you see in the news, juice kills kids, batteries explode and burn people etc etc,
Also a lot of venues and even countries are just saying no so the whole point of the harmless smoke has gone, you will still end up outside or in a smoking shelter tight next to temptation,
Now smoking in a truck there should be no problem there as the vapour is near as damnit harmless, but common sense still needs to be used, there is a ignition source and the risk of fire so don’t sit there chonging away on a fuel forecourt.
As for advice, supplies etc etc
Go to a site called ukvapers it is full of people that are heavily into the subject including lists of vape friendly venues and sites
I use the stealth mode vap, we have a fella at work who is an ex smoker and my god its like the smoking police sent him he is hell bent on causing people trouble, he complained to the tm that the truck he was in smelt fruity!!! Then he saw me at the rdc vapping outside the entrance while sat on kerb, when he spoke to me gave me the whole you need to quit that it will kill you, i just laughed and said getting out of bed could kill me. Iv been ■■■ free since jan from 25 a day saved dosh etc but my mrs still smokes not many anymore and at times i do say love u stink, but id never go hell bent like this bloke. Its up the the person if they smoke drink stand on there head i just hate ex smokers who fair play quite and stop but then go on a mission to have ago at every smoker they come across.
just point out that stress causes more deaths than smoking which relieves stress. Then say you rest your case since you are relaxed while the ex smoker is on his high horse