Vaping in your truck, RDC do you do it

What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??

It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??

It’s probably ignorance really.

I don’t want your second hand nicotine smoke/steam in my lungs ? That’s why nothing ignorant about it …

Smoking should be outlawed and cigs should £50 a packet ? Nobody ever died of not smoking and before you start I was on 40 a day till my kids were born and I realised I didn’t want them to be a slave to the ciggy like I was , it’s a better life without the weed …

What are you on,4aaaa4dd
Outlaw smoking,50 quid a packet? A typical ex smoker ■■■■
What about booze ? That costs the country far more in violence,health care who ever heard of any one going home and giving the wife a good hiding after a night on the ■■■■? Why oh why can’t people live an let live

Smoking should be outlawed and cigs should £50 a packet ? Nobody ever died of not smoking and before you start I was on 40 a day till my kids were born and I realised I didn’t want them to be a slave to the ciggy like I was , it’s a better life without the weed …

I think theres loads of people who died due to not smoking but I do see your point.
I also smoked 40 a day and now with vaping I’m down to 6-10 and expect this to drop further as I feel guilty having a ciggy when vaping gives me the same buzz (well almost).

Anyway I’ve been vaping all day today as its my day off and the missus comes in and lights up a ciggy, i honestly felt sick at the smell and told her to go outside- course she told me to bollox but none the less I now see where ex-smokers are coming from.

The Jury’s is still out on vaping although one school of thought is that its harmless and if thats correct great but i wouldn’t vape in other peoples personal space, I may disagree with their logic but untill its proven beyond all doubt its safe I must respect others wishes.

Stealth vaping is best I think.

So IF the vapour is only the same a the steam from an RDC coffee, it leads me to the conclusion that… wouldnt it be easier to fill the thing with RDC coffee?? That way you can have the "steam" and the hit from the caffeine, with the added benefit of the remaining coffee in the cup, all for 20p surely youd save a fortune on nicotine refills??

Though no doubt someone`s going to tell me RDC coffee is not fit for human consumption, never mind smoking the stuff :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I quit smoking 4 years ago but have been on the cigars since Christmas, I started vaping last week and it’s cost me and the wife 70quid to get set up, no harmful chemicals just the nicotine lol. I’d happily vape anywhere because it just doesn’t smell like cigarettes and surely won’t offend anyone.


What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??

It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??

It’s probably ignorance really.

I don’t want your second hand nicotine smoke/steam in my lungs ? That’s why nothing ignorant about it …

And yet you’ll happily sit on the road all day breathing in other people’s exhaust gases??

:laughing: :wink:



What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??

It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??

It’s probably ignorance really.

I don’t want your second hand nicotine smoke/steam in my lungs ? That’s why nothing ignorant about it …

And yet you’ll happily sit on the road all day breathing in other people’s exhaust gases??

:laughing: :wink:

Guess your a smoker then ■■?

And yet you’ll happily sit on the road all day breathing in other people’s exhaust gases??

:laughing: :wink:

That’s not too far away from my response when a non smoker has gone out of their way to stand near me when I’m smoking; I usually respond to their bleating about their right to breathe fresh air by asking them how they reconcile that with happily driving through a town centre with their exhaust pipe at exactly the right height to blow their filth into the faces of toddlers and kids in push chairs (well someone had to play the “think of the children” card!) :smiley: Of course that’s not the same thing they’ll say. What they really mean is do as I say, not as I do.

Come on lads, you’ve got to be a pretty uptight person to moan about someone blowing water vapour or whatever that contains nicotine in the same room, as long as they’re not blowing it right next to you (who would, unless they’re trying to bum you).

Live & let live I say, if people want to smoke cigs, good luck to them, no business of mine.

Where do you get them from? I’m on the roll-ups but want to quit or at least cut down.

Where do you get them from? I’m on the roll-ups but want to quit or at least cut down.

Vape escape is a great place to start, I have a vision spinner well worth the money I have two. You can buy a normal starter pack but buy two batteries as you’ll need a back up. I use an evod tank but loads you can use don’t bother with the ce4 tanks waste of money the nova or evod will out last them for months you just need to replace the heads. I buy my juice from ltcigs it’s a very good place I’ve tried many. Start off on 18mg it’s about average stength folk start with. If you want any more help just ask or google all about e cigs and read the forum there’s a lot to take in.
In my opinion if you wanna have a crack just do it, for 60 quid initial outlay and 20 on juice it’ll keep you going for a month and if you stick to it you will of made your money back. I used to spend 56 a week on ■■■■ now I spend about 7 quid on juice plus pair or new heads for my tank at about 2 quid each. Amazing how much money it saves and feeling loads loads healthier now I’ve coughed up all the crap off my lungs. … e-Kit.html … ry&path=61
Couple of links for anyone thinking of getting a set up you can worry about tanks once you know if you like it. And the variable voltage batteries are an extra not required at this stage so you can get set up for less then 50 quid :slight_smile:
Vape Escape - discount code ‘allabout’ - giving 10% off.
Edited at add discount code.

You get more for your money in proper ■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue:

I honestly don’t understand why anyone smokes in this day and age.

I honestly don’t understand why anyone smokes in this day and age.

If you didn’t smoke, you wouldn’t understand. I don’t understand football or the reason people watch it or play it!

Wheel Nut:

I honestly don’t understand why anyone smokes in this day and age.

If you didn’t smoke, you wouldn’t understand. I don’t understand football or the reason people watch it or play it!

:laughing: true




What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??

It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??

It’s probably ignorance really.

I don’t want your second hand nicotine smoke/steam in my lungs ? That’s why nothing ignorant about it …

And yet you’ll happily sit on the road all day breathing in other people’s exhaust gases??

:laughing: :wink:

Guess your a smoker then ■■?

Actually I’m not, I just know a few people who have given up proper ■■■■ because of these so I’m all for them. They don’t smell, and as far as I know they don’t do anyone any harm.

I did buy a e cig thing ages ago. The girl said you will need a charger for it if you are trying to stop. I said I didn’t want to stop, I didn’t want to get caught. Anyone accusing me of smoking in the cab gets the e cig waved at them as it looks like a real tailor made ■■■ :laughing:





What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??

It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??

It’s probably ignorance really.

I don’t want your second hand nicotine smoke/steam in my lungs ? That’s why nothing ignorant about it …

And yet you’ll happily sit on the road all day breathing in other people’s exhaust gases??

:laughing: :wink:

Guess your a smoker then ■■?

Actually I’m not, I just know a few people who have given up proper ■■■■ because of these so I’m all for them. They don’t smell, and as far as I know they don’t do anyone any harm.

If the vapour they take in as nicotine in it then the vapour they blow out must have nicotine in it it’s not rocket science is it and I don’t want anybodies second hand nicotine thanks but you can have all you want if it helps your mates stop ■■