Van den bosch transport

Why are all the ex VDB employees still having a go at the job, it didn’t work out for them, deal with it.
I still think it is a better job than most of the jobs available in the uk.

The Dutch treat you with some respect, the money is reasonable, and ( this is the big one for me) 1 full week off every month, I get to spend more hours at home with my familly than any other tramping job.

The work isn’t hard either, once you know what your doing, the load practically discharges itself, no RDC’s with jumped up security guards making your life difficult, everywhere you go, after weighing and analysis, you start unloading straight away.

Driving round europe is a lot better aswell, less congestion, better driving standards, better facillities.

VDB as stopped recruiting from britain so it seems, I wonder why, driver after driver as come along couldn’t hack it or been absolutely useless then blamed it all on VDB or the drivers tha actually make a go of it. They’ve probably though ■■■■ this, British drivers are a waste of space, lets stick to employing german and hungarian drivers, at least they get on with it without ■■■■■■■ moaning all the time

Most matches only last 12 rounds
Been there done that and the company is [zb], the guys are sound though, i mean the other drivers, or at least 90% are anyway
I left and am now working for mesel driving a white van and making more in a week than WIND AND PISH pays for 3
YEEHHHHAAAAAAAAA get it up ye :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Yes mate, but how many hours a day do you work and how many days a week do you have to work for that,

I can’t see how a WVM can earn in a week what a tanker driver earns in 3 :open_mouth:
keep the thread going remember lunch off switchlogic for the 2000th post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can’t see how a WVM can earn in a week what a tanker driver earns in 3 :open_mouth:
keep the thread going remember lunch off switchlogic for the 2000th post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Apparently, £1 per parcel, 150-190 parcels per day, 6 days per week, may be possible but what home life do you have. start 08.00 finish 21.00, only sunday off.

I got home yesterday at 10.30, My flight back is next sunday at 13.30, a little less tiring me thinks


I can’t see how a WVM can earn in a week what a tanker driver earns in 3 :open_mouth:
keep the thread going remember lunch off switchlogic for the 2000th post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Apparently, £1 per parcel, 150-190 parcels per day, 6 days per week, may be possible but what home life do you have. start 08.00 finish 21.00, only sunday off.

I got home yesterday at 10.30, My flight back is next sunday at 13.30, a little less tiring me thinks

but a £1 a parcel and 200 a day for 7 days is only £1400, so thats less than 3 weeks with a lowpaid driving job :wink:

Is there 200 places a day in Scotland to deliver to? And if there was! I doubt very much that a pound a parcel is what they would collect for every one!! :wink:

Apparently, £1 per parcel, 150-190 parcels per day, 6 days per week, may be possible but what home life do you have. start 08.00 finish 21.00, only sunday off.

I got home yesterday at 10.30, My flight back is next sunday at 13.30, a little less tiring me thinks

Yes Okley but since I last spoke to you I have gained a contract paying decent money, and a hell of a lot more than you are making but who gives you the right to air on a public forum what I do and what I earn.
Maybe I should post really how much bull you put on here shall we go there. Hmm no I think not cos it may put you in a bad light with VDB if they knew HUH



I can’t see how a WVM can earn in a week what a tanker driver earns in 3 :open_mouth:
keep the thread going remember lunch off switchlogic for the 2000th post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Apparently, £1 per parcel, 150-190 parcels per day, 6 days per week, may be possible but what home life do you have. start 08.00 finish 21.00, only sunday off.

I got home yesterday at 10.30, My flight back is next sunday at 13.30, a little less tiring me thinks

but a £1 a parcel and 200 a day for 7 days is only £1400, so thats less than 3 weeks with a lowpaid driving job :wink:

See unless you 2 diddies have the facts right keep your traps shut, you Wheelnut know nothing about me and what I do!!
I am WVM as you put it but if i chose I can run 24/7 make my fortune with the work and the rates I am getting now and get an early retirment, what about you, Know it all with your put downs, and obviously not much work your doing if you can spend as much time posting on here!!!
I chose to downgrade to a Van as now I do not have to pay out for DCPC ,Medical, Re-New my digi card and any other costs the goverment choose to implement in the future, its an industry that is going downhill fast and I for one will not be sad if I never sit my arce in a truck again, I can work when and go where i want, what about U ■■?
Oh and Rikki, where are the sanctions about personal information regarding another users information■■?

Yes Okley but since I last spoke to you I have gained a contract paying decent money, and a hell of a lot more than you are making but who gives you the right to air on a public forum what I do and what I earn

Cos its a public forum and I can comment if I like thats why Eejit!!..

Err technically you answered who gives him the right in your earlier post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oh and Rikki, where are the sanctions about personal information regarding another users information■■?

The ‘little’ folk don’t count. You need to slag some big Company such as VdB or slag a high posting Member off to get any sanctions from the Admins. :unamused: ‘We’ don’t count for ■■■■ on here. :open_mouth:

Because this information that Stuart aired on a public forum was and should have been kept private between him and myself if I had seen fit I would have posted what I earned which is of absolutely no concern of anyone on here, would u like it if info on what you earn was posted by another user with whom you regarded as a friend without your consent "NO I don’t think so!
This information is private and was supposed to be between Stuart and Myself not for him to post my personal information here OK.


Yes Okley but since I last spoke to you I have gained a contract paying decent money, and a hell of a lot more than you are making but who gives you the right to air on a public forum what I do and what I earn

Cos its a public forum and I can comment if I like thats why Eejit!!..

Err technically you answered who gives him the right in your earlier post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Precisely Steve, I dont see the point, but for information, I have kept a van doing the work as Stuart stated, so no lies there about rates and work, But I have another van engaged on more lucrative and better paying work, but now I know who I will and will not give information too even the ones I regard as a friend!!!
Anyway Stuart Has Peter brushed his teeth today■■?
If so did he do yours at the same time, seeing as you are that far up his arce!!!


Oh and Rikki, where are the sanctions about personal information regarding another users information■■?

The ‘little’ folk don’t count. You need to slag some big Company such as VdB or slag a high posting Member off to get any sanctions from the Admins. :unamused: ‘We’ don’t count for [zb] on here. :open_mouth:

Precisely Steve, I dont see the point, but for information, I have kept a van doing the work as Stuart stated, so no lies there about rates and work, But I have another van engaged on more lucrative and better paying work, but now I know who I will and will not give information too even the ones I regard as a friend!!!

Good luck to ya, I really hope it works out :smiley:
‘Friends’ like Stu are not real Friends, they are just out for themselves. It’s all about ‘Smarty’ points and how much arce they can lick :cry:

Because this information that Stuart aired on a public forum was and should have been kept private between him and myself if I had seen fit I would have posted what I earned which is of absolutely no concern of anyone on here, would u like it if info on what you earn was posted by another user with whom you regarded as a friend without your consent "NO I don’t think so!
This information is private and was supposed to be between Stuart and Myself not for him to post my personal information here OK.


Yes Okley but since I last spoke to you I have gained a contract paying decent money, and a hell of a lot more than you are making but who gives you the right to air on a public forum what I do and what I earn

Cos its a public forum and I can comment if I like thats why Eejit!!..

Err technically you answered who gives him the right in your earlier post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I merely commented on your claim that in a week you earn more than a tanker driver earns in 3 weeks so YOU posted about how much you earn, no figures were mentioned :confused: :confused:

Precisely Steve, I dont see the point, but for information, I have kept a van doing the work as Stuart stated, so no lies there about rates and work, But I have another van engaged on more lucrative and better paying work, but now I know who I will and will not give information too even the ones I regard as a friend!!!
Anyway Stuart Has Peter brushed his teeth today■■?
If so did he do yours at the same time, seeing as you are that far up his arce!!!


Oh and Rikki, where are the sanctions about personal information regarding another users information■■?

The ‘little’ folk don’t count. You need to slag some big Company such as VdB or slag a high posting Member off to get any sanctions from the Admins. :unamused: ‘We’ don’t count for [zb] on here. :open_mouth:

Right Stevie, I didn’t air what you earned, I stated what WVM doing parcel work could earn. But there you go again flying off the handle. Try taking a step back and look at the big picture, you made a statement saying you drive a van earning in a week more than what I earn in 3, someday asked how you did that, I replied APPARENTLY £1 per parcel, 150 to 190 per day and then I said maybe possible. Now you’ve made it worse by making a big issue of it and started an all new arguement and started the name calling, why is it everytime you get involved in a this thread you sound like you want to start a fight with evryone else on the forum and try and belittle everyone for not agreeing with you. I enjoy working for VDB, it suits me, yes I get ■■■■■■ off it with it sometimes, especially the 3 weeks away, but the money is enough for me to get by for the moment and the 1 full week at home makes up for a lot. Glad to hear you’ve got a new contract, and it pays well, good for you, hope it all works out for you.
There are still a few Brits working there and on the whole they are happy with the work and conditions, the ones who have left have all left or been fired for different reasons, The ones who couldn’t hack the VDB way of working are the ones who are bad mouthing them, trying to justify why they left or was fired, have you noticed, none of them have actually put the blame at their own front door, you know, not enough experience! 3 weeks away too much, couldn’t get their head round how the BC can be worked to their own advantage. Not all these problems can be VDB’s fault but the ones involved are blaming VDB.

Oh and by the way, who was the one having a nice friendly chat with Peter at the bike shop when we first started there, not me if I remember correctly, I have met Peter Van Den Bosch once I shook his hand and that was all.
Me I turn up on Sunday, do my 3 weeks to the best of my abillity then go home agin on the 3rd saturday


Precisely Steve, I dont see the point, but for information, I have kept a van doing the work as Stuart stated, so no lies there about rates and work, But I have another van engaged on more lucrative and better paying work, but now I know who I will and will not give information too even the ones I regard as a friend!!!

Good luck to ya, I really hope it works out :smiley:
‘Friends’ like Stu are not real Friends, they are just out for themselves. It’s all about ‘Smarty’ points and how much arce they can lick :cry:

Thats rich coming from you, you don’t know me, i met you once and I thought what a nprick, all I asked you what your username was but you wouldn’t tell me, why? I ask my self, afetr the last few months of replies I now know, you are ■■■■ staring little ■■■■■■.
Now go away little boy, go play your silly ■■■■■■■■■■■ games somewhere else!

where’s Rob with his popcorn when you need him :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Couldn’t agree more Steve, This is supposed to be a forum where drivers can have a conversation about who are the good/bad/indifferent employers, ask advice catch up with old mates etc, there are posts on this forum (VDB) which give both sides of the story.
I have years of experience passing my HGV at 21 and working in many sectors of this industry and have opinions on many of the jobs I have done in the past. But this Thread is about VDB the upsides and the downsides, of which you and I both see the downsides and have posted freely on here in our own words the pitfalls and such like for all to read, there are many who went over to the Netherlands with high excpectations and aspirations of what was described at initial interview as a “Fantastic” opportunity to make some good money…Yeah rite…
The job was good to start with, easy work im not denying that, but when you get mucked around with planners not exactly knowing the ins and outs of the job, as has been posted here about hours etc. I know that if you got on the wrong side of your planner or commented complained or stood up and said no you can and I did get parked up in some of the most desolate derelict places in Euroland, oh and the memo that was sent to all drivers last summer “regarding the use of air con”
I was parked in Italy last summer south of Turin in 30c sweat ■■■■■■■ out of me, after discharge I had to wait from Wednesday lunchtime until Thursday Lunchtime for a back load, I had the engine running and aircon going full pelt to try and keep comfortable, only to recieve a message asking me why the truck was running!!! This was from my Planner in Erp “sitting in their nice air conditioned office” to stop running the engine as I WAS WASTING FUEL" Bear in mind these are fleet trucks “Basic as hell” so you have no aircon pod on the roof… to me the company is all about profit and not about driver needs, but hey if there is no money in it to enablee drivers to run aircon in that type of heat then surely the job aint worth doing is it. And in all my years of running into Euroland I have never had an employer ask me not to run the engine for the aircon in hot weather!!!

And in all my years of running into Euroland I have never had an employer ask me not to run the engine for the aircon in hot weather!!!

To be fair, i dont know many employers who would say its ok to do it, i think its more a case of “What they don’t know don’t hurt them”, in VdB’s case, they did know, it did hurt them, and they asked for it to stop!

Thats rich coming from you, you don’t know me, i met you once and I thought what a nprick, all I asked you what your username was but you wouldn’t tell me, why? I ask my self, afetr the last few months of replies I now know, you are [zb] staring little ■■■■■■.
Now go away little boy, go play your silly [zb] games somewhere else!

“don’t know you”, ha, you’ve always made it clear which side of the fence you sit on :laughing: :laughing:
If I recall we had a good laugh guessing my username, but if slagging me off makes you feel ‘hard’, then whatever :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Who are YOU to tell me to ‘go away’ you arse licker :unamused: :unamused: