Van den bosch transport



:smiley: Just popped on this topic to see whats cracking off, and i’m Glad to see that Dinosteve is not still bitter about getting the boot for being crap. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Thanks, that was very kind of you :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
It’s nice when a complete stranger gives a ■■■■■ about someone they’ve never met. I’m gonna nominate you for an award, don’t know what award yet, but it’ll be a good un. :laughing:

If you put as much effort into your work and driving as you put into being on here moaning you might get somewhere pal!!! :unamused:

Thanks for the advise, pal :unamused: :unamused: Tool :laughing:

Good to see everyone getting on so well on here.

Where do I sign up for VDB■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Good to see everyone getting on so well on here.

Where do I sign up for VDB■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes it is :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Unfortunately, I don’t think they are taking on just yet. :frowning: :frowning:


Good to see everyone getting on so well on here.

Where do I sign up for VDB■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yes it is :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
Unfortunately, I don’t think they are taking on just yet. :frowning: :frowning:

I don’t think I’d pass the assessment anyway.

I don’t know any Dutch and the idea of LHD is quite daunting :blush:

I don’t think I’d pass the assessment anyway.

I don’t know any Dutch and the idea of LHD is quite daunting :blush:

Don’t be so flooking negative :unamused: I had experience of driving on the wrong side (Car) but absolutely no experience of HGV driving. My LHD Car experience was about as much help as a chocolate fire-guard.
Now I’ve had a few years Class 1 experience, I’d feel more confident if I was to go back, not that I would even consider it now. :blush:
You may be fine, nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. :wink:




:smiley: Just popped on this topic to see whats cracking off, and i’m Glad to see that Dinosteve is not still bitter about getting the boot for being crap. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Thanks, that was very kind of you :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
It’s nice when a complete stranger gives a ■■■■■ about someone they’ve never met. I’m gonna nominate you for an award, don’t know what award yet, but it’ll be a good un. :laughing:

If you put as much effort into your work and driving as you put into being on here moaning you might get somewhere pal!!! :unamused:

Thanks for the advise, pal :unamused: :unamused: Tool :laughing:

May I offer my advice Mr Steve. You need to let go of this topic for the sake of your sanity. Your trapped in a catch 22 of people having a go at you, you reply, more people pile on in. You say you don’t care about what people think of you yet you reply to every critical post. In my experience people who say they don’t care what people think are the ones that care the most. And that’s coming across in your posts.

Oh, and your starting to look like a right nutjob, which in reality I’m sure your not. Forget about VdB, forget about this topic and enjoy the future.


May I offer my advice Mr Steve. You need to let go of this topic for the sake of your sanity. Your trapped in a catch 22 of people having a go at you, you reply, more people pile on in. You say you don’t care about what people think of you yet you reply to every critical post. In my experience people who say they don’t care what people think are the ones that care the most. And that’s coming across in your posts.

Oh, and your starting to look like a right nutjob, which in reality I’m sure your not. Forget about VdB, forget about this topic and enjoy the future.


Yes, I see what you are saying and on hindsight I agree.
Thank you Luke. :smiley:

I’m Outta here, I hope. :blush:

I agree with carryfast from a personal preference I would rather just drive it’s the delivery and collections that ruin the job :smiley: :smiley:
From a business point of veiw I stay local as it pays more.


May I offer my advice Mr Steve. You need to let go of this topic for the sake of your sanity. Your trapped in a catch 22 of people having a go at you, you reply, more people pile on in. You say you don’t care about what people think of you yet you reply to every critical post. In my experience people who say they don’t care what people think are the ones that care the most. And that’s coming across in your posts.

Oh, and your starting to look like a right nutjob, which in reality I’m sure your not. Forget about VdB, forget about this topic and enjoy the future.


Yes, I see what you are saying and on hindsight I agree.
Thank you Luke. :smiley:

I’m Outta here, I hope. :blush:

^^^^ Bet you he’ll be back, the spoon can’t help it.
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :unamused:



I have concrete proof that Dinosteveus is in fact Rob K who is in fact Big Vern

Really? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Of course not, he just likes to hear the sound of his own voice, if he can’t hear it he likes to spam it so he can read it. His Boyfriend will vouch for this, so I heard on the grapevine.

And this is you Steve mugging Luke off then up his back doors the next, i really do think you should see a head doctor or something, surely you can see how we all think your unstable!! :frowning:


Wheel Nut:
To point out, with tankers you always have an extra “paying” job with the cleaning, it is those jobs that pay the best, if you can tip clean and load in the same day and get 7 or 8 hours driving in as well you will be a rich man by the end of the month. That is what I wanted, that is what the company wanted. Any silly bugger can drive from Caen to Castets or Goole to Glasgow :stuck_out_tongue:

Three drops of chocolate and a cleanout before a night load or picking up a loaded trailer, way to go!.

Every day for 5 days a week :question: :open_mouth: .As opposed to pick up the trailer drive it all week for 5 shifts of 9 hours tip it and load it once a week.

:confused: :laughing:

If you want to do half a weeks work and it suits you for getting 40 to 45 hours in, then yes. But it wasn’t or still wouldn’t be for me.

I do know the job has changed since my day, but I only ever had one weekend in ERP and it was a “short” 24 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

There was plenty of weekend work with long runs because for the past 15 - 20 years the Dutch drivers discovered a life away from transport



May I offer my advice Mr Steve. You need to let go of this topic for the sake of your sanity. Your trapped in a catch 22 of people having a go at you, you reply, more people pile on in. You say you don’t care about what people think of you yet you reply to every critical post. In my experience people who say they don’t care what people think are the ones that care the most. And that’s coming across in your posts.

Oh, and your starting to look like a right nutjob, which in reality I’m sure your not. Forget about VdB, forget about this topic and enjoy the future.


Yes, I see what you are saying and on hindsight I agree.
Thank you Luke. :smiley:

I’m Outta here, I hope. :blush:

^^^^ Bet you he’ll be back, the spoon can’t help it.
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :unamused:

he’s obviously after luke’s offer of a free meal




May I offer my advice Mr Steve. You need to let go of this topic for the sake of your sanity. Your trapped in a catch 22 of people having a go at you, you reply, more people pile on in. You say you don’t care about what people think of you yet you reply to every critical post. In my experience people who say they don’t care what people think are the ones that care the most. And that’s coming across in your posts.

Oh, and your starting to look like a right nutjob, which in reality I’m sure your not. Forget about VdB, forget about this topic and enjoy the future.


Yes, I see what you are saying and on hindsight I agree.
Thank you Luke. :smiley:

I’m Outta here, I hope. :blush:

^^^^ Bet you he’ll be back, the spoon can’t help it.
:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: :smiley: :unamused:

he’s obviously after luke’s offer of a free meal

As long as he doesn’t have to use left handed cutlery.

He’d be fine as long as it wasn’t full size cutlery and he didn’t have to prove he knew what he was doing with it… :laughing:

Besides, MacDonalds is finger food…

It’ll be a KFC…

It’ll be a KFC…

bargain bucket!

It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

It’ll be a KFC…

I like KFC, 295 posts to go, ONWARD :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hi Folks,
Two trailers (881 and 630)waiting any volunteers!!!

Cheers Folks.

He’d be fine as long as it wasn’t full size cutlery and he didn’t have to prove he knew what he was doing with it… :laughing:

Besides, MacDonalds is finger food…

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

881 and 630 at Ieper easy work but Hungarian work, not capable of much else…