User names

Wtf is a cb handle…?

Similar to a fork handle?

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :unamused: :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was on the CB regularly, my handle was Archer.
But one of my hobbies is exploring abandoned mines. On my first trip, I kept banging my head. Earning the nick name ‘Clunk’.
So most of my friends now call me Clunk. Even some of the guys I work with. I use the name Clunk on the CB now, and on most forums. Reverting to ‘TheClunk’ if Clunk is taken.



Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

and the ‘2’ is because you are a thicko and couldn’t remember your password for your original account :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :sunglasses:

Harsh but true! :grimacing:

I thought it was a Baldrick type cunning plan to avoid us reminding the first one of certain misadventures of the baghouse variety :grimacing:

My initials and year of birth. Simples.

Mine’s fairly obvious, a play on the TV series, Ice Road Truckers and the fact I’m generally a Nice bloke.

That said, I can be a c*** if I have to be. Especially to Micra drivers. :smiley: :smiley:

My nickname is maca in relation to my last name. I’m a fat fingered idiot so spelt it maga :laughing:

Like :laughing:

Mine originates from my job when I joined the site. I was selling Mercedes lorries, in fact the reason I joined was because I had a bunch of 8 wheelers when nobody else did and I thought I’d hawk them on here, it never worked ( I didn’t need it to, happily) but I found a lot of interesting stuff and I’ve stuck around (obviously) :wink:

My real world nicknames have all had a theme, I’ve been called slick, shady & slippery, can’t think why though :laughing:

Mine is in praise of the only thing that makes me feel free and alive.
My motorbike.




Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

and the ‘2’ is because you are a thicko and couldn’t remember your password for your original account :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :sunglasses:

Harsh but true! :grimacing:

I thought it was a Baldrick type cunning plan to avoid us reminding the first one of certain misadventures of the baghouse variety :grimacing:

I’m off to alicante Sunday so it will be round 2 of that adventure albeit minus the plastic!
:wink: :grimacing:

Mine’s 2fold. 1. Have golden coloured hair
2. Quite like porridge (sans salt!)

PS Like your cat, Chester ^.^

simples… im a taff that lived in (nz) kiwi land for years

I drive a tipper and my names… not Tom but it’s close enough.

Thought mine up, for a bulletin board, on the spare of the moment a few years ago, it stuck, I’m comfortable with it.

There are people who use it like it’s my actual name.

‘Frogz’ is what my dear late Dad used as a nickname for me,reason being we were in a nice quite pub after hours having a good old drink,probably a few Jd’s,some chap asked what I did,he imagined I think?? that I said I was a ‘Frogman’ (police diver),Dad thought it was hilarious! Hence ‘Frogz’.
Great site,thanks!

Mine’s a nick-name that my late father used to call me( plus my name’s Geoff)…

My name is Karl
Used to hate being called Karly
My school friends called me Snarley instead due to me getting the arse with being called Karly
This has been since about 1975, nickname, cb handle and tattoo.

Guess I am going to be called Karly now I have owned up lol

Out of all the names my wife calls me…she one day called me truckyboy, and I liked the sound of it.

Out of all the names my wife calls me…she one day called me truckyboy, and I liked the sound of it.

got mine from being in the Army, in 96 I joined up and everyone either got a nickname there and then or as you came out of your shell your weaknesses produced a nickname lol.

Wheely is coz my surname is barrow ‘wheely barrow’ so it stuck. even got a private plate with it on.