User names

This name, or variations of it are what Ive used on the Internet for most things for a long time. I switched to another a while back and this is one of the few places I still frequent where I am still Pariah. I chose it as it means essentially a social outcast and as a teenager that’s how I identified myself. It sort of stuck from back then I guess.

Wtf is a cb handle…?

Wtf is a cb handle…?

Have you heard of a windup radio, well-------

Have you heard of a windup radio, well-------

Well yeah but…never used a cb or a wind up radio so…

Mines a short abbreviation of my first name and secondly I’ve got a restored Seddon Atkinson 401

My username comes from my herd prefix for my Charolais cattle and is a name I use on other forums.

Kinda sums me up Trucker-Lass22 (my bday is the 22nd)

Got a few nick names Skip, Tiny and Barbie :confused: (which i hate but a few of the boys that load have decided to call me it, apart from being blonde i rememble nothing of barbie, i hate pink and am a ladette lol)

Named after my cat

Name and year of birth. Didn’t really think about it when registering. Hate forgetting usernames. Got so many all over the place

My nickname is maca in relation to my last name. I’m a fat fingered idiot so spelt it maga :laughing:

My user name is from my surname,Washington,as ever since primary school everyone has called me Washy and since I started working at Faccenda,Brackley with my old man I’ve been know as Washy Jnr :wink:

i was a big lad with almost waist-length hair when i drove for Carryfast…one of the Haulfast trampers loudly remarked ‘here’s the Carryfast yeti’ when i walked into the pub one night :slight_smile:

A couple of my mates always used to shout ovlov or ovalova at me in the pub after asking what lorry I drove. And jay is short for Jamie

I just thought… My name and email being the same with no numbers means the same as having a phone right after the first phones were installed…

“Hello operator? - could I have London 6 please?”

Good job I picked an email account that wasn’t one of the ones to go ■■■■-up over the years… :unamused:

i deleted my previous account and started up with a new one. at the time i had just broke my fingers when a beer barrel fell on them hence . didn’t really think it through at the time but i suppose that was the pain killers

artist formerly known as jonboy :blush:



Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

and the ‘2’ is because you are a thicko and couldn’t remember your password for your original account :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :sunglasses:

Harsh but true! :grimacing:

And because you never thought of asking a site admin to reset the password :grimacing:

mines my cb handle that I started with back in the early 80’s :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Hi Guys & Gals
In my case, this, was one of the many nicknames bestowed upon me over the period of a forty year driving career, the present one being the only one that would pass the Trucknet censors.

There’s more here from a few years ago. Some long forgotten names too.


Mine went a bit like this. My names Karl, I was born in 86 so it kind off became karl86. I do wish I had put a little more effort into it especially as I think my name is ■■■■■ and doesn’t suite me at all. I should off put “nipper” as that’s what every one calls me and as seen as I’m on the last straight to 30 now I kind off like “nipper” again :slight_smile:.