User avatars not visible now

As it says above

44 Tonne Ton:
As it says above

Little mexican looking chap, pair of guns and a big hat :laughing:

I can see your cartoon cowboy. :wink:

see them fine here :question:

Has the forum changed to orange yet? I’m still grey. :wink:

not yet … trust me you will notice when it does :slight_smile:

Ignore me for now… :slight_smile:

44 Tonne Ton:
Ignore me for now… :slight_smile:

I’m thinking they may actually be working in your case this morning. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


44 Tonne Ton:
Ignore me for now… :slight_smile:

I’m thinking they may actually be working in your case this morning. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Beat me to it.

I’m seeing folks avatars as normal. :smiley:

I can see mine, it’s small, but I can see it if I use a magnifying glass

I wish someone would tell me how to add an avatar - I’ve tried bloody everything!! :angry: :unamused: :bulb:

Click on the user control panel (top left of the screen) click on profile. click on edit avatar (left hand side of screen) That gives you the option of selecting one from your computer or adding the address of a picture hosted elsewhere. Once you’ve done that hit submit and it will be added. Just make sure the picture dimensions are within the permitted limits otherwise the board will reject it. :wink: