Hi - I’m a newbie with a problem. I’ve recently passed my Cat C theory test and had an assessment. It was my first time in a truck and I thought I had the correct driving position, but toward the end of the hour assessment I was getting pain in my upper left foot and in my achilles, this I think was caused by the clutch coming up significantly higher than the other pedals so my foot was in constant tension above it thus causing pain.
Does anybody have any ideas why this might happen or how common it is, or anything I can do because this could be an early end to my career as I doubt I could do a 4 hour lesson in that kind of discomfort
Any help would be great thanks.
did you have your foot on the clutch all the time ?
I’ve had exactly the same sort of pains as you, high clutch pedal, hard clutch pedal etc. You get used to it, i had a job double manning on bed delivery once, the clutch was rock hard, it felt even worse when i was stuck in stop/start traffic, thought my thigh was going to set on fire! I was trying to hide the pain from the other chap, perhaps the sweat and red face might of give it away though! Grit your teeth mate, you will get used to it
Hi Andy45 WELCOME.
Sorry to hear that mate.
Whilst it is possible that the clutch pedal was set too high, your problem might be to do with the type of footwear you were wearing, or how tightly fastened they were…
It might also have been a case of nerves too.
Thanks for the replies chaps. When we were manoevering around the yard my foot was braced just touching the clutch due to a lot of toing and froing. …and my footwear was pretty tight AND I was nervous so maybe I need to adjust a few things and take the short term pain.
Could anyone tell me if there is a formula for correct seat position in relation to hip/knee angle etc?
Thanks again