Uploading avatars and pics

I have seen a few post about problems uploading
avatars so I took mine off and tried to upload it from
my hard drive but it would not work this way for some
reason :question: .

So I did it this way -


  1. Make sure the avatar is no greater than 80 pixels in
    width and height and the file size no more than 9 KB.
  2. Upload your avatar to imagecave
    imagecave.com/ BY -
    a) Signing up (FREE)
    b) Logging In
    c) Click add Pictures
    d) Click Browse and Upload Pic’s From Your PC
  3. Once you have uploaded your avatar you need the url
    of the avatar which looks something like this -
  4. Go to your profile and at the bottom of the page you
    will see this -
    Link to off-site Avatar:
    Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you
    wish to link to: This is where you put the URL from imagecave
    then press submit and you should have your avatar.

(Putting pic’s in your post’s)

  1. Sign up here (FREE)
  2. Log In
  3. Click add Pictures
  4. Click Browse and Upload Pic’s From Your PC
  5. Put the EZCode: in to your post on here

very good and easy to use pic resizer. I resize my
pics to 640 x 480 pixels just like rob k pic’s from
is dairy.
Link from brit_mark (FREE)

I would just like to say the link imagecave.com/
was from killsville and is a very easy to use and good place
to upload images to. There is other image hosts but I have
not used them yet. I think that’s everything.

ACE, worked first time. Many thanks.

Now the only problem is … I’m embarrassed that I have not got a bigger truck.

No problem and thanks for your reply Loggo :smiley: .
It looks a nice truck is it class 2 if so thats all I
can drive at the moment. Is there anything I need
to add as when I written it I did it from memory :question:

Very good post convoy, re the other sites, I used photobucket which is also free.