Uploading attatchments

when putting photos on here, i go to my photos and have no problem uploading attatchments.
However, some photos (that are in the same file as photos i have uploaded from my computer) wont load, the message comes up after i have clicked on ‘add the file’ ’ it says ‘the image file you tried to attatch is invalid’
After learning that you can only put 10 photos a time in one post (no problems there) sometimes when i start from putting my 1st photo to putting my 10th photo, the above message will come up, so i have to start again from scratch, or, more than likely (if it happens close to my 10th picture) i just give up trying to post them.
Im just wondering why the ‘the image file you tried to attatch is invalid’ message comes up ■■

Example… last night i spent a while uploading photos for the ‘rear ends’ post in the photo forum, all the photos are in the same file in my computer, (they are all downloaded from the same sd card from my camera, after downloading onto computer, the sd card is deleted of photos) there are around 6 or 7 photos that the photo forum wont let me upload, but the other 60 or so photos i have no problem uploading.

Id rather not put a post of a photo in one post, then do another post with just one photo in it etc etc, id rather put as many photos in one post as possible.

(sorry for putting this in the wrong forum, mods feel free to move it)

I add them then this site says “place in line” Which I do one at a time and then press send. If that helps! :wink:

i know how to post pictures, thats not the problem! its just i cant post all i want to.
why do some photos say ‘the image file you tried to attatch is invalid’ is basically my question.

Dunno then. Sorry.

could be the images are too large, or wrong format… there is also a 10 image limit per post

could be the images are too large, or wrong format… there is also a 10 image limit per post

After learning that you can only put 10 photos a time in one post (no problems there)

the photos are all from the same sd card, if i took 65 photos and wanted to put them all on trucknet on different posts in different forums it would let me put around 55 on here but i would get the invalid message, how can those few be invalid if the other ones werent?